Does anyone here feel sympathy for Opie?

2  2016-11-30 by RectalWarrior

His myriad flaws notwithstanding, do any of you peckahs ever find yourself feeling some compassion for our big titted, unfunny friend? I do; particularly when the insults are directed at his wife. Is something wrong with me?


No. I don't dislike him because he's not funny or interesting or talented. I dislike him because he lacks all of those qualities and he nevertheless finds a way to be a mean-spirited and arrogant sack of shit. When he still had pull, he gleefully crowed about how awesome he was and dispatched the pests to attack "lesser" local radio shows; he kicked dirt in their faces, as though he's better than them. His whole schtick revolves around being an asshole. Shit, he stomped on a homeless guy's cake and laughed in his face, because fuck him, right? There are countless stories that offer insights as to what a piece of shit he is; snapping his fingers at interns, dressing down bouncers who ask him why he's entering through the back entrance of a comedy club, leaving the staff in the lurch during every contract negotiation, etc.

In all seriousness, he just genuinely doesn't strike me as a good person. I mean Ant is a sack of shit in a lot of ways, but you get the sense that there's a human being under there. A deeply flawed human being, sure, but we're all flawed. I look at Opie and I don't see anything recognizable as human.


I don't feel bad for him, but I also don't really like the Bam/Lynsi jokes because they aren't that funny. There are so many legitimate reasons to hate the man, why cling to something that probably is gossipy bullshit?

You gotta admit it was pretty funny that time the caller said it on Sam's show.

Because we know it hurts his feelings?

He really has brought this all on himself is the thing. I know, it's ridiculous just how much time we give this old fool but he's the constant in all this palaver. He just doesn't seem to ever really get it. That although he is just a guy (with tits) doing his job, he's a self serving bully who's clearly alienated his peers and contemporaries at every turn and I lack any real regret over his possibly hurt feelings. Also, he doesn't seem to be too hurt, does he. No, he just moans like always. Nothing's changed.

Maybe family should be off limits (or at least funny) but did this mother fucker ever extend that courtesy to any of his targets over the years? Of course not.

Fuck him.

I can't speak for you all but to me he's a fascinating example of schadenfreude; an unaware, although painfully self conscious little man who somehow, through sheer perseverance managed to carve out a long and lucrative career. I'm enamoured by the process.

I'm also a coward hiding behind Reddit. I'd never say this shit to his face because I'm as much a fraud as he is.

At least I don't have tits (I do).

yeah like waterhead children!

It only worked when they were shock jocks. Opie was mean to people they invited in while Ant did voices and cracked jokes. The soundboard was a useful gimmick too. Now Opie is just trying to do a straight talk show with some cursing and he stinks.

The soundboard was almost never funny and it ruined many a bit.

I beg to differ. I am glad Jim is bringing it back.

I hate that you beg to differ.

No. Fuck him. The only way I could hate him more, is if he was asian

I hate how whenever anyone would be talking about a party or a barbecue he would interject in his sad sack voice how he wasn't invited and then beg for an invite to to the next function. There is something sad about a person who is desperate to make friends and can't because of his essence. He's like David Brent but without the redeeming qualities and Sam is Gareth

Far better people have experienced far worse - not at all.

He's had the time to develop radio skills - he never did. Floundering at the prospect of having to do a solo show for even ten minutes shows how overdue this reckoning actually is.

At first I did, after Anthony's firing, which exposed him to be an add-nothing bore and had to carry more of a load. However, over time, that quickly faded once realizing what a piece of shit nutjob he is.

Fuck Opie

Sympathy For The Opie?

"Please allow me to introduce myself; Im a man of breasts and cayykes..."

Losing his radio gig? No I wouldn't feel bad for him in that regards. That was his own fault. He burned a lot of bridges and continues to do so. He got really lucky in radio and became a millionaire in the process. How many people have gone opies route and achieved even half of what he's done with opie and Anthony? Maybe 1%. He loses his job now, that's on him. However, people really shouldn't be saying some of the things directed at his family. You want to mock his radio show, fine but some of the stuff said on here is pretty brutal


He's not just an awful host, fa la la la

He's an awful person too, fa la la la

Did this too himself, fa la la la

Replaced by the help, fa la la la


Upvote for proper use of "myriad"

I don't.

So what exactly are the changes? Just changing the name of the station? Or is Opie out of his show too?


Fuck No.



He's a multimillionaire. Chill.

yeah like waterhead children!

Because we know it hurts his feelings?

He really has brought this all on himself is the thing. I know, it's ridiculous just how much time we give this old fool but he's the constant in all this palaver. He just doesn't seem to ever really get it. That although he is just a guy (with tits) doing his job, he's a self serving bully who's clearly alienated his peers and contemporaries at every turn and I lack any real regret over his possibly hurt feelings. Also, he doesn't seem to be too hurt, does he. No, he just moans like always. Nothing's changed.

Maybe family should be off limits (or at least funny) but did this mother fucker ever extend that courtesy to any of his targets over the years? Of course not.

Fuck him.

I can't speak for you all but to me he's a fascinating example of schadenfreude; an unaware, although painfully self conscious little man who somehow, through sheer perseverance managed to carve out a long and lucrative career. I'm enamoured by the process.

I'm also a coward hiding behind Reddit. I'd never say this shit to his face because I'm as much a fraud as he is.

At least I don't have tits (I do).

You gotta admit it was pretty funny that time the caller said it on Sam's show.