Challenge: Link me to a funny bit from the Jim and Sam show

0  2016-11-30 by Ant_Sucks

Any funny bit at all. Not a joke or a funny moment, but a sustained bit of 5 minutes or more like the old days.

Edit: No takers so far. Only haters.


Challenge: find the joy in this man's life.

The old days are never coming back. Opie & Anthony are never coming back. Ron & Fez are never coming back. Every "old days" guest is either too famous, dead, or lame as fuck now. These are new shows.

I think people here genuinely want the show to succeed, but pretending it's great as a fuck you to Opie can only last so long. Jim needs to stop sounding more tired even though he gets to sleep in an extra hour and stop steering every conversation toward sexual fetishes. Nobody wakes up and thinks "I sure hope I get to hear 20 minutes about Zac Amico's cock today".

I'm not going to link you, but did you miss all the videos posted about the chip dog?

I assumed people wouldn't post that because they realized I was looking for funny bits and not Jimmy doing the same character he's been doing for 10 years.

If you don't want repeated bits, how did you become a fan in the first place? Anthony hasn't updated his characters in 20 years.

Perhaps you would prefer some angry typing guy?

He spent an hour yesterday trying to get an app to work. If that doesn't do it for you, idk what will

Yep.Yesterdays show was shit. It's not the greatest show, and it's not Opie Radio. It has it's moments. When it's slow and shitty, I turn it off and listen to something else. I don't get obsessively angry and dedicate hours at a time mad at a stupid radio show. I listen when I'm working and I like having a half way decent show to listen to in the mornings. They don't pretend to be something their not. It's actually funny sometimes. ..and yes they need to work on some things.

Jim talking endlessly for weeks about having problems pressing the iPad for his car crash sound effect wasn't funny to you?

Yeah the 'new 5 minute long car crash sound' thing was pretty funny also

I don't see a link to it in your post.

Where's the bit? That's the opposite of what I asked. Wasn't even that funny a moment.

That's fine if it wasn't funny to you, some find it funny which is why there's a show.

I don't look for bits or need bits to laugh. I laugh at whatever I may find subjectively funny, enjoy it and move on.

You're also asking for bits on a show that's been running for a couple of months vs. a show that ran for years. Not sure how you consider this a fair equation but fair enough, whatever you're into.

I do know there's always a contingent bellowing about the "days gone by", when they moved to XM it was all "mornings suck, i miss afternoons". Some people going as far as to say "it was funnier when they had to dance around censorship with their language".

People just want shit to go back to how it used to be, it ain't.

Give it some time and you'll probably get your bit though fella.

Sam and Jim have been working together for over 10 years in the same building with more or less the same setup and in the same timeslot. Jim has been a professional comic for over 20 years.

How long do I need to wait until the magic happens?

You're right, you win. Because collectively, they've had more on air time than Jim, Opie and Ant ever did together.

Thanks for setting me straight.

Here's an idea, find something else to listen too.

(slow clap)

hard to be funny with radio cancer death sam faggot fucking roberts chiming in with rasslin' talk. fuck them.

Nancy Grace?




I'm not asking for a contrived bit. It can be an organic bit that arises from the situation and leads to minutes and minutes of hilarity.

for the sake of argument (or whatever), what would be an example of one of these bits "from the old days" for you?


It will get better when they move into the NYC studio.

This show will really fall apart when Jimmy get tired of Sam's wrestling shit. Watch!

I assumed people wouldn't post that because they realized I was looking for funny bits and not Jimmy doing the same character he's been doing for 10 years.