Sure Opie has lost the morning show and the channel has been renamed but remember he's 3rd highest paid at Sirius

42  2016-11-30 by Dennyislife

For now.


We're gonna need you to move your stuff down to storage room B. Yeah, we've got some boxes we need to put in this corner.

"So you steer the conversation for the comedians to entertain the listeners?"

"Yes, that's right."

"And you contribute jokes?"

"Well... no."

"So, none of your cohosts have ever done radio shows by themselves?"

"Well... sure, yeah, they have."

"So why don't the comedians just steer the show?"

"I already told you people! I STEER THE SHOW! WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

"I push the buttons on the goddamn board so the audio engineers don't have to! I'm good at pushing buttons! What the hell is wrong with you people!?"

"I'm a people watcher!"

Ugh, I forgot about him bragging about being a "people watcher" like he's a psychologist philosophizing on the human condition.

That and how he was an expert at "reading people"

If you know ANYTHING about body language....

If you know ANYTHING about psychology....

I have heard him use both of those phrases so many times. The funniest thing is, the verbal crutches and body language foibles he points out in others, he is guilty of ALL THE TIME.

"I'm gonna break it down for the listeners. if somebody ever says that they don't care... that means they care a whoooole lot" - Gregg Hughes

Just sitting on a bench at the mall, staring down an old man resting on the easy chairs.

ME: "I study this shit!"

Also claimed to be an expert in body language.

And rats. I member he talked about going somewhere at night in the city just to watch hordes of rats come out from under a building.


But I was told I could listen to Opie radio at a reasonable volume

So if you could go ahead and do that that would be great.

This entire situation makes every old clip so much funnier. Listening to the arrogance of Opie talk about his leverage in negotiations, or talk about how he didn't need Jim or Ant, or give advice to other radio guys, etc.... At the end of the day, everyone now realizes the guy has no talent at all. He has none. I would pay $100 to hear Opie panic as he tried to do radio for an hour without any help.

"Now the blueburry is one that can't work on its own..."

It's not like the kiwi.

Even when he was a mess, Fez was always infinitely funnier and a better radio presence than Opie. It annoyed me so much when "Hughesey" would take little jabs at Fez.

Listen to his show from a few days ago when he goes on and on about how great some doc about ALS was... "how it changed his life, etc." It's a great example of an obvious and desperate attempt to fill airtime because Sherrod overslept and couldn't make it into the studio that day, LOL.

For a guy that's been in the biz so long, Opie really can't do radio. And for the record, I only listen to it for the hate, cringe and douche factors. Here's a YouTube link to the show and you can PayPal me that $100. Thanks bunches!

That's because he's a dullard. He has no curiousity, no interest in the greater world, he just watches the same dreck TV his wife does, and thinks he's well read. Ant and Jim would read the papers every morning, looking for stories to talk about - he did the Soduku. He doesn't go out, takes him months to read a book (he was reading that book about Rats for about a year), doesn't listen to other radio shows (except Stern) or podcasts...what the fuck does he have to talk about? He has no hobbies, no interests, no passion, no creativity.

He's slacked his way through his whole life. You think at 59, he's gonna suddenly wake up and take interest in the world around him?

Imagine how Yonkers and Washington Heights are gonna feel, on their weekends in his studio apartment in upstate NY - "Daddy, what make lightning work?" "Uh...I dunno. Lightning is craaaaaazy, right?"

The retard was reading it for longer then that, im going through listening to the old archive in 08 and hes talking about that rat book, then listening to the Tony Danza stuff from 05 and he brings up his "rat book". The man is simple.

because Sherrod overslept and couldn't make it into the studio that day

You can always count on Sherrod to reinforce those Black stereotypes.

Opie's show is still on at 3pm right?


Opie is the shambling, living definition of "hubris".

hu·bris ˈ(h)yo͞obrəs/ noun excessive pride or self-confidence. synonyms: arrogance, conceit, haughtiness, hauteur, pride, self-importance, egotism, pomposity, superciliousness, superiority; More antonyms: humility (in Greek tragedy) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.

But he made millions in the process. I would suffer that humiliation for that money.

I don't know. Doesn't it seem weird that a guy who just had his time slot taken away and his name taken off the channel is third highest paid?

Everything moves so slow in these giant corporations.

When Sirius and XM merged eight years ago, Opie and Anthony were two of the biggest hosts on satellite radio, and were getting paid well, as documented in numerous articles.

When Ant got canned, there was a bunch of money on the table, and Opie and Jim divvied that up. Both of them went out and bought new homes, indicative of their newfound wealth.

Obviously, Opie made a big mistake, and may have actually believed that he was "a big deal" still.

I would be surprised if Opie is even in the top 10 earners at Sirius.

Thats not what opie told the papers when he got kicked to the afternoon

Opie is known for his loyalty and honesty.

Eh, who are they going to be paying more? It wouldn't surprise me. I don't think it will be true in 11/2017, but it wouldn't surprise me now.

Howard's show went to complete shit, and he still makes close to what he did when he launched the "Revolution"?


Pic or leave, slit.

No you don't.

Yes but we know theres a giant dropoff after Stern and Jenny Hutt

This cracks me up. Jenny coming up in her limo via the freight elevator demanding no eye contact from Opie.


Her tits are probably awesome

Kike tits always are.

Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutal. Sniff.

It ain't the way I wanted it! I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!

Next thing you know he'll be on midnights on Raw Dog

He has to share his new office with the janitor.

He already got 2 memos sent to him about moving his mops. This is going to be a long year.

progress....all in time negros

they should give sam millions for his vince macman crotch chop gossips