Jim should ask Sam to stop it with the political exegesis

37  2016-11-29 by [deleted]

You're not Rush Limbaugh, you're a mulatto who has a gig because Opie exists.


You don't like when they talk politics. You don't like when they talk sports. You don't like when they talk pop culture. You don't like when they talk the craft of comedy. I guess every show is supposed to be an all day roast battle.

The politics talk is fucking unbearable. Sam has to beat everything into the ground 1000 times. Jim has to keep any stupid caller who disagrees with him on the line for 13 minutes to prove that he's this fair genius of the people and not a baby boy.

I tune in for porn girls and MMA fighters. Do they have sex before fights? I gotta know!

I heard even Rousey likes to have sex before the matches. Wuhoohooho she's just like the guys. This is a no holds barred show. Anything goes!

I for one am sick of comics. It's just a bunch of forced jokes with guys stepping all Over each other for mic time. I don't minds current event conversation with an occasional guest

"Sometimes the best sound is just the sound of blissful silence" K. Sinnamon

"Fuck ya that sounds great, I LOVE roasts, you know what gang, we should have our own subreddit roast." he said pressing the barrel to his temple.

They'd hate that too I'm sure

It is getting old, hearing a political segment on every show

Everyone is fatigued by having to hear about the election everyday for over a year. Why the fuck does every show have to start talking about Trump, when he isn't even president yet. People just can't stop talking about him. I couldn't stand Jimmy today, had to turn it off, he was whining about everything.

Kinda like you're whining now?

Exactly, but imagine if I stretched out that same point, so that it took you 45 minutes to read.

It's the new "apology clock" bit.

In the sense of how long will it take for Trump to say something that gets all of the media's attention. Trump doesn't apologize though. It truly looks like he knows how to manipulate the media without spending a dollar.

Pretty much. Sam kept trying to do call backs condemning Trump's tweet. When the tweet itself was a shot at Hillary and her past. I called in and Adrian put me through, but I only waited for a few minutes. Let Sam dig his own ignorent hole I guess.

Whenever Jim talks about how he can't eat something and Sam eggs him on about why he can't eat it despite knowing the answer makes me turn it off every single time now. Once they literally spent 40 minutes talking about what kind of pizza Jim likes but can't eat.

When Jimmy talks about not sleeping well or his windows... It's edge of seat entertaining.

Here's a little lesson on radio for everybody:


And that's gonna be fucking Trump for the foreseeable future. Get over it. You're gonna hear about Donny's latest Twitter stupidity at least once a week for the next 4 years.

Sir, volume.

Shit, you're right. My apologies, my good man.

Speak up

Sam squeaking out his hair brain opinions like he's the beacon of reason in this crazy era of politics is infuriating.

He'll pick something that he doesn't even totally understand or bothered to read about and then spout off about it while doing those gay little laughs every third word.



Did he say something liberal? Usually the only reason this sub complains.

Honestly I can't remember. The only thing that stuck with me is that he feels qualified to act like an authority on the subject.

He has that microphone he is important

And Sam should ask Jim to not sound like he just woke up for the entire show. Only time Jim sounds awake is when they talk to a fighter or they talk about UFC in general.

He was so out of it talking about Warren Beatty yesterday I seriously can't tell if he's fucking around or not. Like his lack of general cultural awareness outside of anything having to do with Ozzy is completely staggering at this point.

I never remember him being like this, he's so pop culture aloof these days. Like he was in jail the last 25 years or something.

"Sam, I'm gonna need you to stop being smarter than me. It makes me look dopey in front of all these fine folks. I have dates that need plugging and I won't tolerate anymore subtle Trump bashing or, I'm going to ramp up my farting. Are we clear?" - Jim stares in his bathroom mirror with the faucet running and cries softly.

guys i think OP is saying Sam is presumptuous the way he thinks he can explain things to everyone given his age and life history, not that current events are bad topics


Sam needs a job so he can feed his weird nosed chunky thighed beast/wife.

Listen, faggots. Sam is redpilling right now, don't fuck this up. Plus he's not bad for a noob, it's only when he parrots MSM talking points that he's annoying.

an exe who?

the real question is why is sam on the air

You're right but it's no different to when Ant would go on a 45 minute rant about "that community" or how the poor millionaire has to pay taxes


/u/TheRealJimNorton are you seeing this ? Pull this fucking half and half in line.

And here it is...mark it down! The day this sub finally turned on Jim and Sam..It's about time you cockbags opened your eyes and saw the shit for what it is, and that's Shit! Fucking Show sucks!

Sam's an SJW, that's been his thing for years.


Three hours of nothing is tough to fill every day. Which is why I contend that O&A will reunite. As a team, they were the last that could do it on a regular basis.

Weren't they just watching TV on the radio by the end?

We had to wait for VideoandA to put it on YouTube.

Don't forget how they had food segments where they ate on air. "This taco is good". truely riveting radio

Yes, and it was more entertaining than the three spawned off shit shows they have now.

It was great, but it sucked as a radio show but was great as an MST3K type show. You just had to wait for the audio to be uploaded along with the video.

Agreed, this shit isn't easy

Sam and jim won't last. I think we will see fireworks sooner then later. Sam likes to be over prepared and fill every millisecond with voice, and has only an upward move with his career, because he is basically still paid in peanuts, but thats ok, he has a 'show' and thats worth more than money. Jim is just over everything because he can only keep going lateral with his career now, and whats the fun in that everyday. Jim is always tired and just wants to be there to get a check, try and stay relevant, and feel like a celeb. I think we will get a good show after all.


Honestly I can't remember. The only thing that stuck with me is that he feels qualified to act like an authority on the subject.