Opie confirms rumors

17  2016-11-29 by -ShillChill-


He thinks the subway video was famous, "gawd that video pissed people ohff"

He thinks we're in on his 'bit'. I'm shocked that a man of his age would behave like he does.

"What's the channel going to be named?" "I don't know"

Of course you do, we know you do. Secret Sally tits

What subway video?

Oh Jesus.. please try and keep up https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PqDQiEKOPi8

omfg...and 10 times as many downvotes as upvotes, deservedly


It would of been hilarious if they would of changed it to Norton and friends

People who type "would of" are Opie's intellectual peers.

I have a whole nother point about that.

Stuntbrain laughing at Opie when he says "They just trashed me and my loved ones" was the highlight of this video. Peckas.

Jesus Doug Benson missed a great opportunity for Down's Syndrome. He's def got the eyes for it.

About to sneeze lookin ass nigga

50 year old little kid face

"So it's probably in the comments"


he really tried hard to not say reddit

Ugh, what a fucking grudge-holding pussy. If we didn't talk about him, no one would be talking about him at all.

Hah, wow. Stuntbrain is that fucking old? Yeesh

I know, right? What kind of loser fucking ages like that?

Yeah, really. Why would anyone let the passage of time take place? It makes no fucking sense.

I never really followed who he was I just thought he was an intern awhile back but didnt expect to see Michael Stipe

you mean Jeff Daniels?

I actually thought it was Sleeves for a second

Is this on the dvd extras? along with Bam and Lyndsi's lovenest clip?

Bam and Lyndsi's sex tape is an easter egg on one of the c.k.y videos. They miscredited her as Jenn Rivell. Nice pair of fun bags on that hose hound. Like husband like wife

Jason ellis was on stern saying something like they were giving him a channel, or like a full team to work on a bunch of stuff. Looks like it might be on Opie's channel.

Opie will have to use all of the extra shirts to wipe his tears.


Who's the old dude that looks like an unsuccessful Steven Spielberg?

That is stunt brain. The joy this man gets from watching Opie crumble warms my heart. I wish he was my dad.

the very last person on the planet still loyal to Opie

Oh yay, an entire channel dedicated to half naked sweaty men rolling around on the ground with each other. I hope they get the Irish gypsy guy on, he always has such incredible insights. Now Jim and Sam will incorporate 70% of the show to this traveling carnie act. Yuck, I would rather hate listen to Opie for 10 years.


Lol- do you just scan Reddit all day looking for people that trash the Irish?





Yeah, I didn't stub my toe or anything.

Maybe you would understand a more Opie-like response.



Thanks you potato eating drunk Irish pig. Have a great day!


I could tell, I've got a family full of them.

Doug Benson looks like he's blind, so to speak