Gregg 'having a talk' about show with Cumia - both cunts.

26  2016-11-28 by HugsMcbear


He's "having a talk" because he's "going to be fired" once SXM sees how "horrendous his ratings are".

Good use of quotations, sir

About what? What could opie possibly bring to ants show? Opies not gonna play second mic and ants not gonna let opie run his show..

ant needs the opester to steer the ship so he doesn't end up talking about blacks and politics all the time. opie is a great radio host and keeps the discussion moving. i cant wait until the bbboys are back together.

Ant deliberately steers it towards blacks and politics because he is obsessed with the two. And the only retards dumb enough to pay for that shit want to hear those topics. It'll be business as usual for Ant and I think Opie will go into early retirement.

Wow what I'd give to spend a few hours in your head

Eew gross

.... get out

He'll show them all by leaving his failing channel for his ex partners' failing channel.

I bet Opie will have to put money in like Gavin did

East Side Dave needs an intern on the Rat

They sentenced Opie to be his butler!!! I am over here!!!

It's really a show about nothing

He still has that minimum wage job?! Wow.

Im trying to keep Greggshells and Torpid Sloth fresh in his mind, your guys' help is greatly appreciated

Not enough peeps from this sub on twitter filling opies replies with hate.. it's disappointing

I agree, our twitter game is pretty weak. Im actually seeing some support in those replies, truly disgusting

It's all faggots and fat middle age women

I have got a few Twitter accounts and all of them are banned by the three of them

This is so grody.

The implication that Anthony would want Opie to host mornings on his network is pretty funny. As awful as Compound Media is... don't tarnish your illustrious brand.

cant wait for the iphone video of opie locked out in the hallway until Ant walks past, never giving him so much as a glance

Opie lies constantly.

I am fairly sure the only time O&A have talked is on air


They need each other and they both know it at this point. There phones calls together are the best thing either of them have done since splitting up.

At this point though I figure its probably too late for them to really salvage their brand or return to the status they had even 3 years ago.

Jimmy explained the brand image thing well a couple of days ago - you can't spend a decade building yourselves as honest and 'real', only to tear the whole thing down as utter bullshit...then rebuild that.

Also, we would've been the only ones that would've given a shit about a reunion and after two years of this we all hate them.

This. The audience is long gone - and on Ant's platform, it's behind a paywall. A free podcast like Rogan's is the only way they could come back to even a fraction of their numbers. Maybe. They'd be starting from scratch, and Gregg has that multi-million dollar albatross around his neck. Oh, he has that apartment too, besides his wife.

Nobody wants the two of them together without Jimmy.

Opie Radio Doc Series executive on Compound Media!!! Make it happen cumia


He's having this talk because he needs Ant now to have any platform to broadcast from whatsoever. I bet he regrets making fun of Ant for building his own broadcasting studio now.

Like or not the two of them reunited would probably get several thousands subs. I'm thinking the odds of this happening seem pretty good right now.

I'll unsubscribe to Cumia if Opie joins... Oh wait, im not subscribed.

Ant deliberately steers it towards blacks and politics because he is obsessed with the two. And the only retards dumb enough to pay for that shit want to hear those topics. It'll be business as usual for Ant and I think Opie will go into early retirement.

Jimmy explained the brand image thing well a couple of days ago - you can't spend a decade building yourselves as honest and 'real', only to tear the whole thing down as utter bullshit...then rebuild that.

Wow what I'd give to spend a few hours in your head

Nobody wants the two of them together without Jimmy.

Eew gross

.... get out