Patton is having a meltdown on facebook.

41  2016-11-28 by cbanks420lol


The Dems refuse to understand that these meltdowns are breeding grounds for the trolls. Nobody gives a shit about him other than his fans. Making the dumb fuck miserable is just way for these guys to kill time while at work. These mentally ill dummies can't stay away from the attention and they'll always be trolled.

I really hope Trump is a successful president to the level of being a lot better than his 4 predecessors just to throw more salt on their wounds.

It's about the only thing that could make Dems temper tantrum even more entertaining.

I think it was Tom Hanks who said "I hope Trump does well enough that I want to vote for him for a 2nd term."

It's funny for people like us to laugh at him but you'd think his friends or family (that he didn't murder) would tell him to stop.

he doesnt have either.

He killed the only person who'd be honest with him. Then again, maybe that's exactly why he killed her.

You have chilled me to the bone.

Would you like a hug to warm your cockles?

Oh shit, this guy just figured it out.. keep your head on a swivel u/aemon12

Yeah I wish he didn't have either with a shotgun in his mouth.

The one person who might have told him to stop got the patented Patton Cocktail to heaven.


And get a pillow on their faces in the night? Better off keeping their mouths shut.

Dude i think he's talking about you. When you're named Deputy Secretary to the Interior you'll remember we were buds rite?

I will never understand why comedians, who call everything in the middle flyover states, want to educate others about politics.

You make a great point there, comedians uniformly see middle america as lesser than their form of entertainment. They bounce between New York, California, Georgia, and some faggy Canadian cities. The same people who don't want to see high school drop outs complain about their lives and genitalia are the same people who apparently don't deserve to vote, according to these sociopaths.

How does this relate to trump? Doesnt trump flyover those same shitty states only to hit up the coasts except he doesnt even stop by as often as comedians so has even less of an idea of what it is really like there?

Doesnt trump flyover those same shitty states only to hit up the coasts

No, he did the opposite.

Where does he live? where is he staying right now to avoid going further inland?

Are you retarded?

yeah I am. please help me since im so retarded and point out how trump was often visiting middle america since im too retarded to do so myself.

Oof... just relax guy. Probably should post about this anymore either.

Clintons made $100,000,000+ from what?

too retarded middle school america?

What does his residence have to do with the states he visited during his campaign? Are you angry he doesn't currently live in Iowa?

So youre saying the times your referencing that he went to middle america is only when he went to campaign which is exactly what every candidate in history does? Give me examples of how often he was there when he isnt pandering for votes.

So youre saying the times your referencing that he went to middle america is only when he went to campaign which is exactly what every candidate in history does?

Hillary didn't, Trump was actually pretty famous during his campaign for campaigning in these states while Hillary hadn't held a rally for a long time.

Give me examples of how often he was there when he isnt pandering for votes.

I don't understand what you're trying to prove here, how often is anyone present in every Middle American state within a year? What time frame are you looking at? Can you find me a single person who does what you're demanding without wanting something in return? I'm sure he and other businessmen have visited these states in the past, but... are you asking how often they're just bouncing around visiting diners and dropping in on YMCAs?

Doesnt trump flyover those same shitty states only to hit up the coasts


No, he did the opposite


I don't understand what you're trying to prove here, how often is anyone present in every Middle American state within a year?

Isnt your point that middle america is alienated by the left and thats why they choose trump? explain to me how trump doesnt treat middle america the same exact way as these comedians(who?).

also youre the second person to bring up Hilary Clinton, why the fuck are you guys bringing her up I didnt vote for her, fuck her, what does she have to do with how comedians treat 'flyover states" compared to how trump treats them?

Isnt your point that middle america is alienated by the left and thats why they choose trump? explain to me how trump doesnt treat middle america the same exact way as these comedians(who?).

Comedians treat Middle America with contempt and don't like to go there. Trump campaigned heavily in Middle America and does not treat them with contempt... I don't understand what part of this is confusing to you.

also youre the second person to bring up Hilary Clinton, why the fuck are you guys bringing her up I didnt vote for her, fuck her, what does she have to do with how comedians treat 'flyover states" compared to how trump treats them?

I assumed this was about the election. Why are you bringing up Trump outside of the context of the election?

Are you angry he didn't spend 6 months in Nebraska in 1998? Do you believe he has never done business there? What is your grievance here?

My point is people are complaining comedians only goto flyover states to do "business" and make money doing shows like the comment directly under yours that's upvoted. Same as trump. Both pander to middle America when it being its them otherwise they're never seen there. Hence why I keep asking you to provide examples of him enjoying states other then the coast when he didn't have anything to gain. Why is it shitty for comedians to do but not him? You said he does the "opposite" of comedians(again who are these comedians you speak of? All? Liberal comedians? Ones this sub shits on?). I'm asking you to back it up.

lol this reads like a trailer park manifesto.

Honestly trump did a pretty good job of hitting up a lot of places ("flyover" and non) and doing it constantly. Hillary took week long breaks. Multiple ones.

The important factor here is that only a select few give a shit if their candidate shows up in their state. His activity and ambition did say something though. He was always moving about, and when he wasn't live physically on site, he was live on TV doing interviews, and if not that he was baiting mass media into covering him.


Because people want to hear it. Do you get mad when Nick DiPaolo talks politics? People get into politics, people get into comedy, that's why some people like comedians who talk politics. I don't get mad when authors write non-fiction either.

Just because you don't like hearing opinions you don't agree with, that doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't like "artists" with an opinion.

There is a different between someone who has been doing it since 18 years old

I think I'd rather hear Pattons political ramblings than listen to Nick DiPaolo, Nick is too angry & too right wing


Because they are stupid rednecks who are too dumb to have their own opinion. They need to listen to the only voice of reason, the 'educated' comedian.

I'll never understand how "comedians call everything in the middle flyover states" is somehow a fact you can base an opinion around.



"Why bother with sparse forgettable second rate shit?"

Sounds like a great first line of a suicide note.

Just say the word and us folks here in the nation's bread basket will be more than happy to cut off your food supply

I live on the Gulf Coast, yet all my seafood comes from overseas. Keep pretending it won't happen to you too.


No wonder you lot hate the metropolitan movement towards locally sourced food

Not at all. I just think it's funny the lack of self-awareness it takes to not realize what a pretentious faggot you sound like right now.


I work in the supply side of the food industry in New York. The local source movement is complete bullshit and 100% marketing filler. It literally panders to retarded hippies and millennials who are willing to pay four times the price because it was grown in the same state. You should also understand that local sourcing would never come close to fitting in need of a major metropolitan area. You are not only pretentious but also retarded. You need to pop that bubble you're living in or kill yourself.

What would we ever do with out the fart jokes of the supporting cast of the king of queens and people who have never worked with their hands a day of their lives. OH THE HUMANITY!

You almost seem like you're proud to be this dumb.... what's broken in you?

/Patton furiously types

/a young girl who just lost her mother sits quietly in the corner

If she knows what's good for her she won't interrupt him or else she'll get the Patton nightcap.

Maybe its best for her that she does. Having a murderer for a father cant be an easy gig

Patton Oswalt has made a career out of viciously insulting every single part of the USA that isn't Southern California. Fuck you Patton, you're not a persecuted intellectual. You're a bitter little goblin widower who doesn't like the taste of his own medicine.

His wife didn't like the taste of his medicine either.

Well said!

Not even sarcastic!

"So, sixteen days into the reality of Donald Trump being our President-elect, and I'm reading New Yorker and Jacobin and Slate and NY Times articles, trying to make sense of just what the fuck happened,"

So you're reading the same far-left rubbish you did before the election. The ones that told you he was an evil clown who could never win?

I read Jacobin because it's hilarious - avowed communists trying to find W's in a ideology that is proven to not work in every historical iteration.

They got it half right. Also, it is evil DUMB clown.

So they didn't get it half right?

That's what it implies.

He has made a bigger show grieving for Clinton's campaign then for his dead wife.

What happens when no one cares about him after Trump takes office? Does he still claim the Nazis are just around the corner?

Well he was happy to see her dead.

I'm so fucking sick of this guy's "I'm clever" shit. It's not about jealousy, it is just fucking cringe worthy to be that "on" all the time, for it to be that important to him. I am forcing myself through this..

Being funny isn't something everyone is born with, and even the ones born with it have to work and evolve and have humility while they do so. For the untalented but still entitled, there's a gut full of envy to carry around when they see other people getting laughs where they can't.

This guy never got laughs. He 'ranted' with 'insight.' His stage persona is the 'smart' kid in class who sucked up to his English teacher (which, in his adult life, he replaced with the liberal mainstream establishment) to show how 'clever' he is while the rest of the classroom cringed in disgust thinknig "god, what an asskisser." The people inundating his comments on social media are not bitter, failed comedians, though that may make him feel better about himself to claim - no, they're the adult versions of those classmates who loathed you not because they feel you're funnier than them but because you act like an absolute fucking faggot and it makes everyone near by twinge with second hand embarrassment that you have the lack of self awareness to press onward.

If anything it's shamelessness, not talent, that explains his status - which, let's be honest, is a C-list middle aged showbiz burnout coasting on a the coattails of Jon Stewart's Daily Dose of Sanctimonious Tidbits mold.


Yeah patton we're all jealous of you and your dead wife. It's like when Anthony came here and said we're jealous of his lifestyle while he was facing charges of domestic violence.

He did say that, didn't he? He really fucking said that.

you're right. if Twitter was never invented, he'd be "Bud" on the new kevin james show, but instead he's treated as some big thinker.

The jealousy he describes is closer to the jealousy he feels of people like Jeselnik and Patrice who can effortlessly make a crowd explode. Patton, like Maron, could never do this. In absence of a god given talent to get real laughs they quench their need for validation by circlejerking with their choir with smug political talking points.

The Germans had the phrase "Lugenpresse", "lying press" back then. Maybe there's something to that he should think about. Maybe the backlash he's getting on social media isn't about jealousy so much as from the sense that the lying press is losing its stranglehold.

Comment from that post:

You'll notice there is no conservative "Daily Show," no alt-right "Colbert Report." Their humor is based on suffering, the enjoyment of a bully. They feel built up by bringing others low, like any troll. Haters, bigots, and zealots have their new champion, and the indifference that led to a less than half voter turnout is his ally.

These people still unashamedly put The Daily Show as the height of liberal comedy.

*Jon Stewart makes funny face and jew noise to camera "republicans bad"! *audience laughing so hard no one notices the building has caught fire, hundreds died that day, but they went out laughing at that classic liberal humor

He's lost it. What an asshole.

I can't believe in a few short years comedians went from being cynical, apolitical and sarcastic to crying, liberal agenda-pushing victim babies.

comedians were always liberal agenda pushing victim babies, but they knew that acting like that in comedy clubs outside of liberal cities would mean completely bombing. So they pretended to be moderate instead.

plus let's be honest the same people we hate still had this stuff in their comedy they just weren't famous during the bush years

pretended to be moderate



"And then I flashed back to an essay I read by Clive James about the doomed polymath Egon Friedell"

This sentence should never come out of a comedian. Ever.

If this is his way of saying he's going to jump out of a window I'm all for it.

"nigga u gay"- middle america

Das why he gay


More like King Of Drama Queens, tsss... (just riffin')

Yes, Hillary lost because the "right wing" made us all scared and suffer. Nothing to do with Hillary's:

  • Lack of a core message for her campaign

  • Notorious difficulty tapping into blue collar workers this election cycle (see initial Michigan upset with Bernie)

  • Numerous scandals including Wikileaks, FBI investigation, and colluding with DNC officials to facilitate her campaign and sabotage primary opponents.

  • Going to the Right of Donald on foreign policy, suggesting increased presence in Middle East to deal with Russia.

Another ploy to throw the FBI off his trail

We know you killed her Patton. The truth will set you free

Actually, if the truth was exposed it would actually land him 25-to-life in prison.

You're right, it would do the opposite of set him free.


Can we go to his wife's graveside and start leaving MAGA hats there and "The Art of the Deal"

We already discussed that post earlier. He feels like throwing himself out of a window, and people bashing him for being a shitty comedian is "very disturbing". All positive progressive. Long may it continue.

He's like Cuck Metzger with this notion that he is Dr House Comedy MD and civilians just don't understand the art of the joke.

You pigeons would die if I didn't feed you, you need my crumbs. Okayy kurt.

Yeah I stopped listening once he started the whole "pigin" deal. I don't understand how some average comedian gets such a big head. Kurt was way funnier a year or two ago. Just because I'm not a certified humor professional doesn't mean I can't tell when something is stolen or just not funny.

His sticking up for Amy Schumer only for her to throw him under he bus was sad too.

Kurt teaming up with Dasdebesso boy puts us on equal footing to say what is funny and not funny

He's like Cuck Metzger

we don't talk about civilians here

Jesus Patton enough is enough you little nerdy shit, you should be glad your wife is dead so cant see what an utter smug little cry baby you have become.


Would you say that to my face if you met me? If so I would probably laugh because that is one of the most autistic laced phrasing I have ever heard.


Ahhh the old parents basement schtick

What a hack.


Smell my farts buddy, you have aspergers.


lol parents basement. Good one

"To all the people out there telling me that I am not funny anymore.. IT IS YOU WHO ARE NOT FUNNY! To prove it I shall recite this 45 paragraph diatribe about Nazi Vienna:"

It's like he got Clinton to kill his wife while she was busy killing all those other folks and now they're in it together.

It'd be funny if he started getting laid again and then just completely dropped all of this.

I can't figure out if Patton implicitly comparing himself (and all members of the noble profession that is modern stand-up comedy) to the intelligentsia of the WWII-era or Patton comparing the current political climate in the U.S.A. to Nazi Germany is more off-base but they are both misguided at best and shameless no doubt.

Is there anything more cliché and tired, by the way, than the comparisons to Hitler and the Nazis whenever someone in politics steps over an internet poster's (or in this case Patton "Lee Harvey" Oswalt's) invisible line in the sand? Do people not realize that by endlessly leveling the accusation that someone is an unspeakable monster and the world is about to end that in time they discredit themselves? What sort of pitch of rhetoric will the Patton Oswalts of the world use if Trump really does some dirty shit? Do people like Oswalt not think of the implications of Godwin's Law, that the longer any internet discussion goes on, the more likely it becomes that someone will be compared to Hitler or the Nazis?

I do not think it is possible to be anymore trite than Patton is in writing this latest Facebook screed. And I say this advisedly after having just discussed the pitfalls of hyperbole in rhetoric.

All the while, Patton and all of his friends are ensconced in this temporal bubble of time where people who have skill in telling dick jokes are actually well-remunerated and part of a privileged class. Ask yourself this: is stand-up comedy some sort of immortal art form that will resonate down the ages with people without our cultural biases and blinders who live separated in time from us by many centuries? Will stand-up comedy exist in another hundred years? Another 500? Or will it go the way of the Egon's cabaret shows that Patton himself references where it will become a minor sidelight or a total anachronism?

And I would like to note my own personal biases here to reinforce why I do not believe that I am interpreting Patton's statement from a place of political avarice or having some sort of score to settle with Patton: I believe electoral politics in this country is entirely corrupt and mostly useless to the average person and moreover the people who make the decisions about the things that really matter, about monies being issued and drones targeted and prisoners extraordinarily rendered, aren't people that you and I can vote for or lobby against or really even know about. So yeah, there are some major issues that the American people face and some things that I hope really change about the way power works in the U.S., but I just think Patton is ignorant about these issues and Patton is part of a posse, a clique, and he feels the shifting of the dynamics of pop culture really more so than the dynamics of actual power in this country and so in his reality the Trump presidency is really an extinction-level crisis for him but his reality is fucking Twitter and television and mass media like Slate and the New Yorker.

Long story short (in the words of the great CQ), Patton thinks that the winds of change wending through his Twitter and Facebook in this brave new world where Trump partisans are teasing him more frequently means that very shortly there will be another kristallnacht in the offing where this time it will be comedians rather than Jews thrown into gulags en masse. His self-centered outlook is of course woefully distorted and does nothing but amplify his delusion to others of a similarly deluded mindset.

That's a long ass comment but I think I agree.

I felt that a litany was in order, brother cbanks, and I thank you for your forbearance.

Hear! Hear!

this time it will be comedians rather than Jews

What's the difference?

Dude these words are too big. Help me out here

Willing to bet he is saying his detractors are failed comedians because of all of the murdered wife jokes he receives. I'd feel bad for the guy if I wasn't certain that he killed her.

I don't read political stuff on social media much, ever, but jesus christ what a disaster zone.

It's why all the rational arguments in the world - every fact was ignored - because the objective of the right wing was never to be in the right, it was to make us mad, scared and suffer. It was to have a weapon to use against everything they perceive has been making them feel shame, envious or disrespected.

We can't ignore any of it.

Wow there are some full blown fucking loons out there. It's like the MOAB was dropped on all sanity and rational thought.

He would have some sort of epiphany if he ever realized that the core motivation for everything he ever writes is to prove his worth and intelligence to people. It's not to educate or convince people of his politics. No, it's masturbatory shit meant to garner praise. He won't realize anything, though, because like every pontificating asshole out there, he completely lacks self-awareness.

And no, making fun of yourself isn't self-awareness. Self depreciation, no matter how deep or biting, isn't, either. I say this as a lefty/liberal myself: fuck Patton Oswalt and everyone like him.

This was just another emo post from a liberal who can't deal with losing. Hillary was a terrible candidate and she was no different then the republican candidates who lost to trump in the primaries. He really needs to take a break from Twitter and Facebook and focus on what's important in life

careful... he has a tendency to get "violent"

What a fucking loon.

Any way to make this into a copypasta?

This is a long entry, sorry.

It's also WAY more emotional than factual, so feel free to shoot holes all through it. But be aware of how cognizant I was of its whimsical framework when I started writing.

So, sixteen days into the reality of Donald Trump being our President-elect, and I'm reading New Yorker and Jacobin and Slate and NY Times articles, trying to make sense of just what the fuck happened, and how the fuck do we go forward. The Democratic Party is in shards on the floor right now. I think we're going to have eight years of Trump and his clean-shaven looters scraping out the carcass of the country before fucking off and blaming it on progressives and lesbians and PC and rap music.

There's been a VERY disturbing spike, in my Twitter mentions and Facebook inbox and Facebook mentions from pro-Trump people. The spike itself isn't disturbing. I was regularly dinged by people on the other side of the cultural playground. I always figured, live and let live.

The disturbing part is how many of these people (when I check their Twitter or Facebook profiles) fancy themselves comedians. And the ones who insist they're comedians, that THEY'RE funny, all send messages which are the same variation of, "Your career is OVER. No one wants to hear YOUR kind of comedy anymore. You or ANY of your friends."

Over and over and over.

Fuck you, funnyman. It's OUR turn now.

So many alt-righters (or just people on the right) are failed or frustrated comedians. Just as so many far, far left wingers are. Comedy is too PC! It's not PC enough! It's racist! It shames white men! IT DOESN'T FIT TO MY STANDARDS, SO THEREFORE I MUST DESTROY IT!

Being funny isn't something everyone is born with, and even the ones born with it have to work and evolve and have humility while they do so. For the untalented but still entitled, there's a gut full of envy to carry around when they see other people getting laughs where they can't.

And then I flashed back to an essay I read by Clive James about the doomed polymath Egon Friedell, who committed suicide in Vienna the day of the Nazi Anchluss. Two SA men came to his apartment to arrest him. All over the city, Jews were being beaten in the street, businesses burned and looted. Egon was one of the leading lights in Viennese culture -- historian, philosopher, cabaret performer. Think of an Austrian Stephen Fry.

Egon threw himself from his window as the SA men battered down his door, screaming, "Watch out! Get out of the way!" to the pedestrians as he plummeted.

I think -- I'm guessing, I know -- that Egon sensed something even MORE sinister behind the Nazi uprising. Something fueled not by nationalism or racial pride but by bog-standard showbiz envy.

I'm going to let Clive James take over here -- he writes so much better and clearer than I ever will:

"Horrific evidence suggest that the Austrian Nazis, when their armbands were still in their pockets, put the café talk high on their long list of Jewish intellectual pursuits to be trampled out of existence when the great day came. The future firebrands and executioners had been listening in for years, probably inflamed as much by sincere disapproval as by thick-witted jealousy. After a single orgiastic day of violence in March 1938 there was no-one left who had anything to say worth hearing. Hugo Sperber, already worn out from too many years living on thin pickings, was thrown to the ground and kicked until he fell silent for good. Fritz Grunbaum, one of the stars of the "Simplicissimus" cabaret, was arrested within hours of the takeover, shipped to Dachau, and beaten to death. Whether in Austria or Germany, it has never been the fault of the Jews that they were so slow to realize the catch of the assimilationist ideal: the more indispensable to culture they became, the more they were resented. Hitler needed no telling that there were a lot of brilliant Jews from whom German-speaking culture had gained lustre. That was what he was afraid of: of a bacillus being called clever, and the phosphorescence of decay being hailed as illumination. For him, as for every racial hygienist, the whole thing was a medical problem, and the last thing he was likely to contemplate was that the medical problem might lie within himself. He didn't know he was sick. He thought he was well. Convinced racists think they are healthy: their conscience can't be appealed to, they have no better self that might repudiate the lesser one. And they bend all the powers of human reason to the unreasonable, without reservation. For the Jewish intelligentsia, cultivated to the fingertips, it was very hard to grasp the irrationality they were dealing with -- the irrationality counting down the hours until it could deal with them. Even in Auschwitz, some of the enslaved musicians must have thought that Schubert's writing for strings would melt Dr. Mengele's heart, as it had always melted theirs. And it did melt his heart. It just didn't change his mind. Similarly, there were probably crytpo-Nazi kibitzers who laughed at the running commentary of Hugo Sperber as he played cards. But that was exactly why they wanted him dead. They wanted THEIR jokes to be the funny ones, and they got their wish."

You catch that part about Hugo Sperber, holding an audience in the cafe?

(Listening in to Hugo Sperber's running commentary in the café while he played cards...flash forward 68 years...reading comedians Live Tweeting the debates. Chuckling, but full of envy at the likes and RTs)

All over Vienna during the Anchluss there's seemingly mindless, unorganized looting and attacks -- yet two SA men are SPECIFICALLY sent to Egon Friedell's apartment? Who sanctioned that? Someone gave specific orders. An envious, frustrated someone, I'm guessing. Someone who sat in the audience at one of his shows, entertained but resentful of the laughter surrounding them, in the wormy, jealous darkness.

I am terrified for what may or may not happen Saturday, January 21st.

Be safe, everyone.

Take care, comedians.

"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little alt-righter? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in wifekilling and I have over 300 confirmed wife kills."

Cumia didnt graduate on that school either, only bruised his girl

I am terrified for what may or may not happen Saturday, January 21st. Be safe, everyone.

Jesus, this is chilling. Not even the Zodiac Killer could mount terror as good as this.

Patton Oswalt strikes again?

Patton isn't Ted Cruz's father.

He must be high on some of the drugs he used to kill his wife.

But where is Rich Vos performing?

Allright lets plug this properly

World renown King of Comedy RICH VOS is ON TOUR

Dec 1 - 8:30 PM | Clark, Oh' Brian's on the Green

Dec 3 - 7:00 PM | Poughkeepsie Laugh It Up! Comedy Club

Dec 3 - 9:30 PM | Poughkeepsie Laugh It Up! Comedy Club

Jan 5 - 8:00 PM | Philadelphia Helium Comedy Club

Jan 6 - 7:30 PM | Philadelphia Helium Comedy Club

Jan 6 - 10:00 PM | Philadelphia Helium Comedy Club

Jan 7 - 7:30 PM | Philadelphia Helium Comedy Club

Jan 7 - 10:00 PM | Philadelphia Helium Comedy Club

Jan 20 - 9:00 PM | Poughkeepsie Laugh It Up! Comedy Club

Jan 21 - 8:00 PM | Ridgefield the ridgefield playhouse

Feb 27 - 8:00 PM | Las Vegas Tropicana Hotel & Casino

Feb 28 - 8:00 PM | Las Vegas Tropicana Hotel & Casino

Mar 1 - 8:00 PM | Las Vegas Tropicana Hotel & Casino

Mar 2 - 8:00 PM | Las Vegas Tropicana Hotel & Casino

Mar 3 - 8:00 PM | Las Vegas Tropicana Hotel & Casino

Mar 4 - 8:00 PM | Las Vegas Tropicana Hotel & Casino

Mar 5 - 8:00 PM | Las Vegas Tropicana Hotel & Casino

Apr 7 - 8:00 PM | Levittown Governor's Comedy Cabaret and Restaurant

Apr 8 - 7:00 PM | Levittown Governor's Comedy Cabaret and Restaurant

Apr 8 - 9:30 PM | Levittown Governor's Comedy Cabaret and Restaurant


I know those places are good because they have comedy and laugh in their names.

The Ridgefield Playhouse will be turned into The RidgeVos Playhouse am I right gang???

There it is. Line of the day.

Hey ladies you know how men always say to each other "yeah Tom he is a real jerk-off" it must be weird when you ladies say it "yeah Betsy is a real jerk-off"

You cant make this stuff up folks

And without a drink or drug in my body for 89 years

this took much more effort than i anticipated but ill do anything for vos

i never thought trump could bring so much joy and b4 he's in office

The only thing he got right was calling out the alt right faggots like Milo and Crowder for trying to be comedians. They are all hacks

Are you saying all those YouTube clips labelled "hilarious intelligent comedian SMASHES stupid SJW. BRUTAL takedown!" are falsely advertised? Or even titled By Crowder himself? I don't believe it.

Patton is a faggot.


Thank you, Chipbot. That person is going to have to wait 48 hours before calling me a libtard or whatever.

I approved it, you can read it now

I'm sorry you were murdered /u/GhostOfMichelleM. Trump will bring Patton to justice.

He knows he has a license to be politically strident because of the whole dead wife sympathy thing. A license that was validated by his likely coverup of murdering her. Hopefully those poor kids will cue the rest of the world in when they grow up and have repressed memories extracted via hypnotherapy. "Daddy, why are you putting that crushed up powder in mommy's Diet Coke? Is it magical fairy dust to make her change her mind about her pledge to leave you?"

The authorities are closing in on him and he knows it.

It's funny how Patton and I have the same delusions that unfortunately will never come true.

I can just imagine it now! All the doors at the comedy club bust open and men in handsome black uniforms with clubs and submachine guns in hand rush into the room. A petrified sweating round face Patton drops his water on the ground as the men say nothing and surround him. One of the men reads an order of decree by the state. It explains because Pattons comedy has been so intellectually profound on the public he is now an enemy of the state. Patton pisses his pants, in a panic he looks down thinking he's been shot but realizes it's just urine. The men kick him to his knees and force his chin to rest on a chair. One of the men shoves his baton in Pattons mouth and whispers into his ear 'I know you're used to Jew cock so this might be unpleasant to your tastes'. Another man stands over Patton from behind he raises up a copy of patents dead wife's book with heavy weights attached behind it. In the fleeting moment as the man forcefully swings down the blunt object Patton thinks to himself well at least I will die an intellectual a martyr. The book and weights plunge into the back of his head crushing his teeth and instantly snapping his neck. The crowd gasps and screams as Pattons fat body falls to the floor. A mixture of teeth, sinus fluid, and extracellular material oozes out of his mouth. in his last second patton wonders if hell will be funny. As the men leave they chain shut all of the exits. The last man out smiling with cigarette in his mouth throws into the room a canister and shuts the door behind him.

Apparently, he's referring to a bunch of Jews were rounded up in Austria. Also: Only faggots enjoy cafes.

I like watching King of Queens and this queer is ruining it for me

I particularly enjoyed the part where he basically says "You right wingers can't tell us what jokes to tell because it offends you... but you can't tell your jokes because it's offensive".


Most pertinent sentence: "I killed my wife lol"

He's a persecuted person like a Jew in Vienna post-Anschluss, you're a Nazi and failed comedian.

He says he dont trust the urbans

Egon Friedell, who committed suicide in Vienna the day of the Nazi Anchluss. Two SA men came to his apartment to arrest him. All over the city, Jews were being beaten in the street, businesses burned and looted. Egon was one of the leading lights in Viennese culture -- historian, philosopher, cabaret performer. Think of an Austrian Stephen Fry. Egon threw himself from his window as the SA men battered down his door, screaming, "Watch out! Get out of the way!" to the pedestrians as he plummeted.

it has never been the fault of the Jews that they were so slow to realize the catch of the assimilationist ideal: the more indispensable to culture they became, the more they were resented.

It's never been their fault, they've never been at fault in all of recorded history- feel better now Patton?

"the more indispensable to culture they became, the more they were resented."

This country literally would have stopped running if it weren't for ratatouille. Thank you patton. You will be remembered for all time, as that cartoon rat that saved america from the nazis

He talks about Trump having 8 years and scraping out the carcass of the country. What the fuck does he think Obama and his minions have been doing for the last 8 years? If he can honestly say the country is better off now than it was 8 years ago then he is a delusional little fat man who lives in a dream world along with his rich celebrity buddies that is walled off from the reality of just how badly the average American is doing now. There is no carcass for Trump or anyone to scrape down because Obama and the liberals gutted the carcass of the choicest bits and then tossed the rest to their dependents, illegal aliens and "refugees" to devour. Trump won because people are sick of the liberals and their PC culture and their holier than thou attitude that makes them think they know more than the rest of us and can decide how we should live. Americans are sick of it. And the rest of the world is feeling the same way. Britain is cutting itself loose from the EU, France is electing politicians who are promising to do the same. Germany is going to be following suit before too long as well and then more and more countries will follow suit. The silent majority is waking up all over the world and telling the liberals and the elitists where they can stick their culture and their condescending attitudes. Patton Oswalt, Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, George Clooney and all the rest better wake up and realize people are sick of them and we don't want to hear from them anymore.


"Take care, comedians."

I want him slain in a mugging.

God it feels energizing to watch that after reading. I'd love to do that to John Oliver or the Daily Show if it ever comes back.

Someone gay enough to have twitter please send this to him.

ctrl+f "peckas"

I got to the "austrian stephen fry" bit and had to shut it down.. I dont even know wtf i was reading. Patton is upset... Someone is about to die i guess.

Yet another retarded, butthurt liberal comparing Trump to Hitler.

Fucking hack.

People need to tell him to give himself up to the cops and admit that he murdered his wife.

be aware of how cognizant I was of its whimsical framework when I started writing.

"whimsical framework"

YUCK. I hope some runs a battering ram through the "whimisical framework" of his fat covered, deformed pug-like skull.

Jesus Christ I used to like this fucking faggot.

It's also WAY more emotional than factual,

Really? From an entertainer who is an outspoken liberal? I don't believe that Patton.

So many alt-righters (or just people on the right) are failed or frustrated comedians

Yes, Patton, there are 50 million failed comedians in the country. They are all jealous of you. They're all plotting against you.

And then I flashed back to an essay I read by Clive James about the doomed polymath Egon Friedell, who committed suicide in Vienna the day of the Nazi Anchluss.

"I'm very smart, you see, I read many books!"

I'm going to let Clive James take over here -- he writes so much better and clearer than I ever will:

These pompous faggots lol. It's impossible for them to learn.

I was waiting for "Peckahs". It never came. Sad.

Trump is like Hitler and Trump supporters are like Nazis? Hmmm.. I've never heard that opinion before. Great insight Patton!


Nobody cares that comedians want to discuss politics if they do so honestly and intelligently. People like Patton and Big Schumer who are neither political commentators nor comedians, however, do nothing but bitch about how people don't share the same political viewpoints as them.

Patton reminds me of the type of political person--found on the left and the right--who is so partisan that, let's say, the stock market crashed on Trump's watch they don't mourn the fact that a lot of fellow Americans are losing their savings, their jobs. No, he rejoices because it happened during the other teams time in office. I wonder if Patton even has one republican friend.

Obviously he's going to use his "dispair" about the election to flee to Canada and escape prosecution.

"Fancy themselves comedians." What a shit head.

I'm sorry you were murdered /u/GhostOfMichelleM. Trump will bring Patton to justice.

Yeah I stopped listening once he started the whole "pigin" deal. I don't understand how some average comedian gets such a big head. Kurt was way funnier a year or two ago. Just because I'm not a certified humor professional doesn't mean I can't tell when something is stolen or just not funny.

His sticking up for Amy Schumer only for her to throw him under he bus was sad too.