Attention seeking Opie is back

96  2016-11-27 by Dennyislife


Can I remind everyone this is a 60 year old man...

...Who appears 75.

Would explain the state of his titties.

I would love this video if a black fist came crashing into his face from out of frame, and a gang of minorities removes his wallet and phone from his person.

And hat.

Taking business from Teds hat removal emporium is frowned upon.

Bring back the knock out game

...oh i memba!!

Ohhh memba ants rants about the blacks ohhh I memba the rants are my favorite

punching out. i genuinely like / agree with those rants.

this soothes me

You should have contracted Ted's Hat Removal Emporium.

They are very professional and have a proven track record, there's even video evidence of one of his employees at work.

What's the website address?

"Not looking good" "I was told Opie Radio is going away"

i did not sit through this dogshit video but i'll believe this.

Sam was Ron's show recently and Ron was extremely overt about a big channel change and it did not sound promising for Opie.

edit - clip:

Ron is always hilarious when talking to or about Sam. The last time he was on Ron & Fez, Ron spent like 30 minutes telling him how his wife is going to divorce him over not having a baby. When he talked about the channel change, Sam was clearly not interested in bringing it up. You could tell Ron knew that it made him uncomfortable. Ronnie B is a national treasure.

Ron is well past the giving a fuck stage of his career.

He could literally do radio with a rock. He's had plenty of practice.

Love ya, miss ya Ronnie B.

I'm sure the 3 people still listening will be heartbroken.

two of them are bam and lynsi playing it in the background while they fuck.

I'm pretty sure not even Lyndsi "Westchester Turnpike" Hughes would throw Bam a bone lately. Looking more and more like a boozy Phil every day.

What son? You're just mad that Bam is evolving into a big sexual Walrus, he's a 300 pound unstoppable force of masculinity love. And you're a 20 pound weakling!

Stay mad pipsqueek!

The new Channel is going to be called something channel. Couldn't make it out.

Faction talk

Explains why Ellis is moving.

I swear right after that I heard "fuck Jim Norton"

Makes sense. Most people flipping through the channels have no idea what Opie Radio means.

I bet 99.9% of people think it's connected to The Andy Griffith Show.

Also found out they canceled something.


I hate his uneven bottom row of teeth.

There used to be an OpiesTeeth twitter

I want to get a hammer and chisel and pop those terrible things out.

It would probably feel better if you just used a steel toe boot

I hate the entire area around the part you just mentioned.

I want to take out those fucking stalagmites with a golf club. The fact that he's a millionaire and never got some invisilines to fix that horrorshow perfectly demonstrates what a boob he is.

I got the last word. Bam.







This may just be wishful thinking but I swear he said the Opieradio channel is going away.

It is. The "Opie Radio brand" is worthless.

This video sums up Opie's career. Saying nothing of substance for over 20 years.

I hope Jimmy rips Opie apart tomorrow. What a fucking hack jerkoff.

He'll give him all the attention he deserves. Which is none.

My wife can read lips, so I had her translate it.. "I'm making this video to tell you all of some changes that will be happening in the near future. It's not looking good for me. I was told Opie Radio is going away and the name will be changed to Faction Peckas. I plan on opting out of my contract and sucking big colored peckas. I stomped on a homeless man's cake because I never could get a laugh in the studio when the guys were just riffin. I'm an old man that knows my wife cheats on me, but I don't say anything to her about it because I'm a ginger cuck. I've only known one black person my entire life, and he punched me in the face because I shoot hoops like a faggot."

i stopped at "my wife"

Now he's stealing Chip's material.

what did her boyfriend have to say about the situation?

You have a wife? any tips?

Making me laugh in the airport like an idiot.

Imagine seeing this fat titted homeless man whispering to himself on the subway. What a creep

And then someone stomps on his food.

Opie is deleting negative comments.. I thought some funny comments disappeared when I reloaded the page, so I left a comment calling him a hack and washed up.. when I came back 5 mins later it had been removed

Yeah I don't get it... why did he delete my comment stating that Hudson Hughes is indeed a faggot?

We may never know.

Thanks for the heads up boys. Im going to bombard the comments with replies every hour or so

Op is asleep. They are staying now.

that's even better, poor old man sacking out at 10pm

Thanks for your service

Hopefully, it's his suicide note he's lip synching

Something about Henley Radio??

FINALLY, what we've all been clamoring for

Faggot Talk Raqio.

My guess is that SiriusXM has been monitoring Opie's popularity post-O&J, and their data seems to suggest that no one gives a shit about Opie's show. His contract must have been so shitty that SiriusXM has the ability to move him off his own channel or shove him to another timeslot with little he can do about it.

This is why Ant was right. You want the longest contract possible. Because radio stations will happily shit-can you. But they're obligated to pay you for the duration of your contract.


Hes come full circle. The guy who smashes homeless peoples cakes has become the crazy homeless bum talking to himself on the train

if its a circle wouldnt he smash homeless peoples cakes again?

No. His cake would be smashed.

but when u go full circle u end where u started



He is in fact unintentionally whispering what's going on, as he's moving his mouth. Also for some reason; he cant shake his head without moving the camera to the motions of the shake, which probably implies poor control of his motor skills. He strikes me as that kind of guy who unintentionally speeds up his step while chewing gum.

jeez he looks old.


Does anyone know what this dickhead is whispering? I assume it's another "I didn't get what I wanted" YouTube tantrum, but I'm curious about the details.

He said he's got uncle Rico's time machine and he's going away.

Don't you wish that video ended with 5 or 6 gentlemen of color surrounding Opie and starting to beat him to death as the other passengers fled in terror?

or cheered, i'm not picky.

I hope they kick him while he's down. Finally shit all over him. It's no longer his channel and now he doesn't have a show. I'm glad that he's getting fired early. I'd love to know just how bad the numbers really were.

Let's just say the replies to this very message most likely have better numbers than big breasts in the afternoon

Oqie stinks. He'll be begging to be on the Long Island Strangler's podcast once they throw him out on the street.

I hope Anthony turns him down and then Opie starts bitching about loyalty. That would be just perfect.

I know that wop Ant would have him on though.

Tapped at 10sec.

Fuck this asshole!

I'm not watching this because I'm too busy drinking by myself and staring at a wall, but if he's out it's pretty obvious that he and Ant are going to reunite for a podcast network. Nothing is working out for these two so now they're all gonna have a homecoming like the final scene in Boogie Nights.

That would be an amazing trainwreck, between Cumia's lack of professionalism/discipline and Opie's stellar interpersonal skills.

And they're in a room together trying to act like everything is cool and failing. I think they'll get back together and they'll never have the huge fight we want them to have.

Opie has enough money saved up to keep that project running for at least next 5 years before they go bankrupt. This subreddit will never end for fuck sakes.

What an absolute cunt.

I used to be really mellow person until you all taught me why and how to despise this man.

And believe me, I do now.

This video actually made me angry. I don't know if Opie is that awful or if I need to chill out.

Jason Ellis is joining the channel

called it!

If Ant ever gets his guns back he should lend one to Opie to make out with.

nothing to see here folks, just another mentally ill homeless man riding the subway. Does he not know that's what everyone around him is thinking?

Ive been relistening to jock tober. I love how every once in a while they will talk about how sam is so sarcastic, and seems nice at face value but is plotting against people all the time. On one ant even makes a joke about him backstabbing opie and taking his job. And opie says "you want this job?? You can have it Sam"

I side with Sam on this one--his sarcasm aside, he didn't plot against Opie. He just stood aside and let Opie shoot himself in the foot, and why not? If he had tried to save Opie from himself, Opie would have resented it and had him fired. Good for Sam.

I can't make out the rest but 5 seconds in he says "There is not a [N PERSON]".

He's probably upset about to the show's recent lack of a black fellow on mic so this is either about Sherrod or Anthony.

I fucking hate this man

he really is a retard, gotta give him that

Management loves the direction of the show.... the direction being out the door.

Chris Farley's emaciated, untalented brother.

He's one weird dude

Haha what a faggot, hes clearly reading from his phone screen

Opie can't read - it's probably emojis.

On the plus side, I can't wait to hear what Jimmy works in tomorrow.

More likely Ron will take the shots. Jim won.


Old ass, retarded ass hampster looking mofo..

He's so brave

Opie and Anthony will be on some old am radio station.

Can't wait for him to be using the same strategy to give clues about the bandit who will inevitably steal a shitty letter from his local radio show in Bangor, ME

Wtf is this

Short answer from this petulant piece of shit: My show is so bad that after two months they've already decided to get rid of it. And no, it isn't because Opie "isn't happy".

What millionaire rides the subway?

I would have uploaded that video if someone abruptly screamed Allah Akbar in the video just went to black.

but it would have already been uploaded.

stop shitting your logical holes into my fantasies!

In NYC? Probably most of them.

its the long island railroad technically...

I guess that makes it a little better.

fucking Long Island's main export is traffic and HPV riddled white trash whores.

Someone put this lump of shit in a loony bin already.

Will one of you please transcribe this so I don't have to sit through this tiny-mouthed idiot's video a second time?

So I read lips for a living and can sum this up. He starts off by saying he is a talentless hack. Then he moves on explaining his insecurity about being a hack and how it's all the talented peoples fault. He moves on to say he is all in with a sherrod/Vic threesome because they both love his big tits. He ends the video letting his 7 fans know he doesn't give a shit about them. The end

He looks like he has lived a hard life; a working man's life. He looks like he has been beaten down by the weather and a life of hardship. Hard to believe he has actually lived the soft life he has, with a weathered face like that.

I hope Opie's "son" rejects him when he gets older.

Why did he put a top-secret video on you tube, a very public viewing area?

He should stop it with that mountain man look - you're a tited shitty ex-radio host, stupid.

I'm calling it now Opie joins TACs or atleast has a show on Anthony's network soon.

"So I had a meeting on Tuesday after the radio show. Things do not look good. I was told that Opie Radio was going away. New channel will be called F..... Talk. Also found out that Jason Ellis will be joining the channel. I'm being phased out, not good. .......til October 1st, after that I'm done. Bye."

So if I got the last part correct, he's not leaving til Oct 1st. If he's so unhappy why wait till then?

he's not leaving til Oct 1st. If he's so unhappy why wait till then?

Didn't he say that to Jimmy?

Because if he leaves before his contract is up, they don't have to pay him.

He never left.

Opie is fat

Tippy Tom?

I skipped through hoping to find the funny :(

more like Call for Help Opie

ME: My teeth are dry.

And no one cares

I swear at 0:12 he says "Fuck Jih Norton" Because he doesn't pronounce the M makes it iffy but the rest of it's there.

just another old creep on the subway


He's like a numbers station for lip readers that will like his youtube videos.

Wasn't Bam's show on Faction? Opie is getting cucked by Bam again!


Very mysterious

Oh no. I did the same "bit" as Opie. Should I kill myself now?

I think that would be best.

You're that Gurian fag that Patrice hyped up?

I used to tell people to delete their accounts when they did stupid shit here. The last time I used it was about 4 days before Hillary told trump to delete his account. So yes you should kill yourself.

cringe is strong. I did not come close to finishing your 26 second spiritual self-immolation.

Attention seeking Opie is back guys

Let me link this video over here so we can give him those numbers fast

Reported, Opie astroturfer.

Adblock nigga

Opie Astroturfer? Shut the fuck up you faggot.

The correct term is 'tit-mule'.


It is. The "Opie Radio brand" is worthless.

I guess that makes it a little better.

fucking Long Island's main export is traffic and HPV riddled white trash whores.