Going here is genuinely disturbing

0  2016-11-27 by dolan_the_rapper


I remember the show - it was fun watching it when youre 10 years old. Why's it disturbing?

guy who needs the joke explained

Just this world of semi-daily posts about Sliders and Sliders related happenings.

You've literally ruined my day with this terrible terrble post

it's a doosey isn't it. just some real life shit for real life people. anyways get some rest and fluids and it'll work its way out of your system.

Look at his other subreddit.


This guy is a psychopath.

Ok this is more disturbing than Sliders. His posts look like if John Doe from Se7en started typing out his notebooks:


That man has Ass Burgers for breakfast everyday, that boy aint right.

WTF. This is very odd.

God I loved that show.

Sliders was a great show for its first season. Then it just got weird, like you knew they were tweaking it for the idiot demographic. Same with Seaquest DSV. Networks really knew how to fuck a great sci fi show in the ass back in the 90s.