It is amazing how Jim Norton can ruin anything

5  2016-11-27 by SirWallaceII

had cum town pod cast on, enjoying a few eps- voices i dont normally hear w some new topics. good

then all of the sudden a new eps starts up and i hear this voice I know, Jimmy.

This fuckin guy made the pod cast about ordering salads and eating sensibly like a fucking 60 year old jewish woman. god, what an un funny fuck.

I have grown to dislike him so fucking much. stay off new podcasts with your old hack stories, Morton

I hope he goes away.


Jim always brings everything around to a conversation about himself. That's the thing I hate most about him. For example, whenever he interviews an actor it goes something like this....

Jim: How do you get into character when you're about to do an emotional scene because I just can't do that, I'm not good at getting into character when I have to do an emotional scene because I stink as an actor and I'm not even a decent comedian (pause for laughter) I just stink at everything I do, I can't even bang a woman right because I bang trannies and suck peckahs.

Random Actor: Well, first I like to meditate...

Jim: Do you meditate a lot? I've tried meditating but every time I try to meditate I can't concentrate on meditating because I keep thinking I'm doing it wrong. I even stink at meditation because I stink at concentrating and sitting still.

Random Actor: It takes years of practice and...

Jim: Yeah, I have no patience. I can't even fall asleep but instead I just lay there all night edging to pegging videos. I'm not gay but for some reason I just like watching guys take a big one up the ass. Maybe it's because I'm a recovering addict and I need to go to more AA meetings.

It's because he has zero experience with anything outside of comedy and sex. He has no way to relate to anything unless he can find some way to make it about himself. Plus he was way too in to being a "celeb" for too long. Jim has never seen a sunrise and thought "This is a good experience." He thinks "This is a good experience for ME."

"Was your father embarrassed?" (rubs glans under table)


Like the Quentin Tarantino interviews. Every appearance Jimmy brought up feet until Quentin snapped at him.

What do you do with your hands? I never know what to do with my hands in a scene...

Lol. Spot on.

And people say Hold on hold on hold on was worse.

It was, and is. Jimmy has many flaws, but at least there is the outside possibility of some kind of insight or an interesting point. Opie demanded attention and doubled down on the stupidest, most simplistic shit constantly. It's not even close.


And yet Bobo and Di and the other MENTALLY ILL SCCCUMBAGS are the ones he calls out for only talking about themselves.

Did he mention that he had egg whites and avocado that morning? What a fucking awful breakfast. You're going to die of something, Jim, stop punishing yourself.

I wouldn't just eat an egg an avocado plain, but egg and avocado sandwiches are great if you haven't had one.

Won't make Jim Norton look any less like a de-shelled clam though.

HA! Bread is like salt to the little slug

Meh, I'd prefer a BLT to be honest.

Wow what a fascinating insight into your tastes, thanks for sharing!

Any time, sweet pea.

yeah ruining your muddas coota with his pecka or sumthin i dunno im just riffin

"Morton" - shots fired gang!

He used to be on Dopey and Agony

Excuse my language, hit the road jack!

That was the worst episode they ever did and it was completely Jim's fault. I assume they didn't actually lose the second half of the recording and just decided it was too dull to put out.

It must have sounded like a weight watchers meeting in 1991, in a back room, off route 234 in clark township.

There is no route 234 in New Jersey #LiteralScarletNumbers

yes there is

There is a reason why people surpass him.


Amy Schumer was Jimmy's opener.

Colin has enjoyed a resurgence, but he was a loser before Jerry Seinfeld gave him that off-Broadway show.

Saying Jim Norton ruined an episode of "Cum Town" is like saying Jim Breuer ruined an episode of Opie's radio show in that a person named "Jim" was on a horrible show.

I think you take listening to podacasts too seriously.

It's still real to me, damnit!

No one likes you and you have a small willy.