/pol/ with some cold hard truth

2  2016-11-26 by TheScarletR


People who post 4chan screenshots on reddit should be fucking shot.

Its a 4chan subreddit, thats all it is

I know.

Is the sub ok with 4chan?


Fuck 4chan. Unfunny circlejerk for edgy preteens and pathetic manchildren. Anyone that's been on /b/ since like 2010 should seriously consider murdering themselves.

They gave us Pepe didn't they?

Praise Kek

No pepe is an original work by a non-4chan user. 4chan just popularised the meme.

What a valuable asset

Dude Pepe is great!

2010 is major newfag-tier, and plebbit is way more of a circlejerk than 4chan could ever hope to be, because of the fake internet points that literally silence people who have different opinions.

This is exactly what I mean. You're basically a bizzarro tumblr user regurgitating buzzwords that you learned to gain approval from neckbeards pretending to be men. It's fucking sad


Nice buzzword. I've been using 4chan for a fucking decade; I'm not going to stop just because some filthy plebbitor tells me I should.


I didn't say I was happy. The internet is fucking garbage, but at least 4chan doesn't make it easy to be an attention whoring faggot with a persistent identity and e-points.

Thats true. This is the only board on reddit that's tolerable.

Don't agree with me, faggot.

Fine! I disagree! Reddit is uh-MAAA-zing!

Now get on your knees.

At least its funny though. Way better than reddit

I like how you're trying to be all edgy, when the truth is much more depressing. Doesn't matter how hard a burger flipper works, he's never going to be able to be a math professor.

Omg watch good will hunting xoxo

I didn't know liberals hated Asians. Obama won 73% of the Asian vote in 2012... But if we are just having an honest, grown up conversation here. The Asian experience in America is very different than the black American experience. Also, we are largely bringing in educated Asians. We aren't bringing in poor Asians. That is the same reason why African immigrants do so well. Because we are bringing in some of the best from their countries, instead of the average or below average.

...you do know about the massive Chinese immigration into the US in the 19th century, and the racism, and systemic oppression, those people suffered - and which this post is referring to when it says they overcame similar barriers that black people faced...


That is basically the same thing that happened to every new immigrant group in America back in the day. The oppression against black people has been throughout the entire history. And still goes on today if you count the war on drugs. The War on drugs was started to go after anti-war protesters and black people. I personally don't have any white guilt. However, I do acknowledge that we have constantly fucked black people in this country, and it is our duty to try to fix it. And not just kick them while they are down, and ignore the history of how we got to this point.

Ever been to Chinatown? Your view of all Asians being super intelligent high achievers will go out the door pretty quickly.

Right...that view I don't have?

That's your privilege talking, Scarlet!



I don't know but I hate gooks.

Even lucy liu? Youre cold maing

Say liberal again