OT: Kaepernick gets owned and exposed in this article.

12  2016-11-26 by Mr702law


He makes me ashamed of being a niner fan.

He is spending more time trying to be controversial, than trying to win football games.

He is gone next year. The team is so sick of his shit.

I would rather lose every game with a shitty quarterback who tries hard, than a middling qb who is a fucking distraction and divisive to the team as a whole, who will get you 7-9 and call it a good season.

It's annoying. My whole family are life long Niners fans. He had two good seasons and hit a wall, lost his confidence and now is trying to remain relevant. I mean, he is only like 28 and has gotten bashed in his head for the last 18 years so I don't expect a lot. I don't care about his politics, socks or haircut... I'd like to see '12/'13 him again, he should still be in his god-damn prime.

I can't imagine what team is going to want him with all the drama he'll potentially bring--especially with their 1-9 record so far.

He's honestly probably not even trying to be controversial. By that i mean his mental capacity is equal with the retards who think it's a good protest/demonstation by blocking major highways.

No, normal people aren't gonna suddenly think about their "systematic racism" cause you're kneeling during an anthem. They're just gonna think youre a cunt

Who the fuck cares?

When did this place stop being about trashing Opie and Anthony and friends and about random fucking celebrities and their political leanings?

i think it was bound to happen after the O&A show stopped existing.

This sub is now an avalanche of hate with no determined target

The off topic hatred should at least stay comedy related. Athletes don't get paid for their thoughts.


I'm Beginning to think Colin Kaepernick isn't the brilliant black liberator I thought he was


who fucking cares

This dickbag is so outspoken about making changes but still didn't even vote. Sure his vote wouldn't have swayed the election, but if you're going to be an obnoxious douche, how about at least set an example and vote. Show you can be bothered.

If you think your two choices are between evil one and evil two voting is silly.

Bottom line is this post doesn't belong here, if you want to find something to prove your point by looking at someone's gotcha moment or possible hypocrisy that's fine, But if it's not funny and something you can really bounce off jokes with, then it's who gives a fuck politics.

Ok? So why the fuck post it here?

Miami Cubans are trash and shitty conservative politics in this sub are trash.


PS. He was a communist dictator, not a fascist dictator. Get it right, shithead. Not every authoritarian is a fascist, you googobbler.

I have to ask: Why do you insult me when I am clearly right? Why do you persist with your idiocy? Do you really think someone other than conservatives gives a fuck about some old man who retired ages ago? No liberal gives a fuck about this. No centrist cares about Fidel dying. This isn't up for debate. You're an eye-licking conservative, which is why you care. Don't tell me you aren't. Don't lie to me, shithead. We can all see it. So why are you pretending you have any liberal or centrist backup on this? And why are you calling me retarded when you aren't fit to make my shoes?


This is not a response, you dumb fuck.


Thanks for proving my points, faggot. You did not respond to any of the questions I asked and should note the fact that fascism exalts nation and race, which leftist autocratic authoritarians do not do. They exalt international unity under communism/socialism. Not to mention the fact that fascism is a right wing ideology by its very nature due to more specific beliefs which are not listed in that simplistic definition. You cannot read and your understanding of fascism is about as bad as your idea of what makes for a response. And about as deep as that dictionary entry.


Just say that you can't respond to any of it.


You haven't even tried to debate anyone, because you have no points to make.

I'll read the nonrelated shit you guys post here. but when there's a fucking ad between every goddamn paragraph you can go fuck yourself.

Ad block, nigga, join the 21st century.

Do they make that shit for mobile?

Firefox mobile browser. get the ublock origin extension.



Kek, of course.

He stinks. He should change his name to Colin Pooperdick.

I'm sure Cuba would have been better off as another slave colony to US hegemony.

I would love to see a niggers v. spics war.
