Joe Rogan: "We should get Patton Oswalt on mushrooms maaaan. Maybe then he sees that killing his wife was wrong."

82  2016-11-26 by boring_oneliner

"This guy would all be like 'WTF DUDE I fuckin killed my WIFE! My WIFE! Daaaamn son what am I DOING??'

just 3-5graams of oklo psylo bacibinop and we could fucking solve this case! We could still turn this bitch around!"


Joe: Hey Patton, what did you use to kill your wife?

Patton: Dolla Dolla Pills, y'all!

THERES the joke! Finally someone said what we were all thinking!

ME: I KNEW there was a joke somewhere in there I just couldn't get to it!

haha vurrry guude

"..Don't hurt yourself" -Ron B.

Patton at funny bones all weekend! All weekend!

Hahah I spend too much time on this sub

Joe is a 57 year old teenager. He grew up as a typical douchebag bully. He admitted he looked down on those who smoked pot etc. Endless stories of him out there being a major prick to those he worked with and people around him. Went through life with a Napoleon complex. Tried pot in his late 30's now he's "enlightened maaaaaaaaaaaaaan" and he as it all figured out. I really hate Rogan, that phoney pseudo intellectual snake oil salesman.

You don't get it maan, Pot is only illegal because William Randolph HEARST wanted to kill the hemp industry because of his paper mills, hemp is better than paper from wood in every way, you can use it to make clooth, and the fibers are like really super strong, it was the cotton farmers that banned pot, dude A PLANT shouldn't be illegal! It's natural, it's a plaant!

What part of that is wrong

The presentation.

And the person presenting it.

The Hearst part, the wood part, and the cotton farmers part.


Every part to it. If that conspiracy theory were true than weed would only be banned in the US. Fuck you, you "enlightened" cunt bag. Go smoke another bowl in your cage while Tyrone culturally enriches your girlfriend.

So you absolutely believe Heart's printing press wasn't used to influence pot legality? Have you read how he covered the Maine bombing in the beginning of WWI? Oh right you don't read history, you make your mind up then call people faggots and project your cuckold fantasy.


triggered + Anthony's joke = half the comments on here

Anthony's joke

Fill me in sir


Yeah, maaaaaan!


I just enjoy the fact that he pretends he's grown out of his moon landing hoax and bigfoot hunting beliefs so that he won't be looked down on by his pseudo intellectual friends.

Wait a second, little Joe used to be a bigfoot guy?

The only JRE I remember fully listening to was the drunken Les Stroud(Survivorman) episode where Joe just bashed the shit out of bigfoot and bigfoot theories. I remember Les was fairly neutral though he did a short series featuring some bigfoot "hunting" with a believer or two.

It's hard to tell because he switches his opinion based on who is on the show, but he always talks about that shit

Yeah, he used to be fully on board with it. He would always promote the idea that bigfoot crossed the bering strait with early humans and constantly referenced Jane Goodall as an expert to back uo his wacky ideas.

Oh, god yes, he was full on bigfoot. He had all the bigfoot guys on.

Les actually describes an encounter he had in Alaska, I think, where he was woken up by what he decribes as an ape-like sound. He doesn't say "It was bigfoot", but he said it scared the shit out of him. The drunk Les episode is horrible, go back and find the episode he was on, before that. WAY, WAY better interview. They didn't fight and Les tells some awesome stories.

Everyone was pretty much disapointed with the drunk show.

I believe it was Australia.

Dude what are you talking about? You should watch my buddy Brendan Schaub on stage, he DESTROYS! Dude he KILLS on stage!


He might be the ultimate retard. It's him and Cenk in the running

He may not be an elite fighter, but he is stuhh-rong!

Schaub kind of sucks....annoyed Callen is stuck with him...I'll take solo Callen or Callen with an actual comic any day.

i dont understand how everybody believe he is the ultimate honest person when hes making bank with those magic brain pills, everybody just blame that Aubrey guy for leading him on



If the people you work at a cool place and the potential problems that it deserves. First just physically, then eventually the actual mechanisms at work. We're working on it right now while I'm waiting to see if it takes root.

~ JoeRoganExperience

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Pot culture is so cringe-worthy. Above All Else the most dangerous aspect of marijuana is giving people with average intelligence the idea that they're brilliant or insightful. The only difference between a pothead and an alcoholic is that an alcoholic understands that they are a waste of life and a piece of shit.

I dunno, man, I've known my share of alkies over the years and a lot of them aren't self aware. They think their drinking to blackout every night is okay because they don't get arrested but they cause grief for everyone around them. Typical stoner bullshit is cringey as fuck but drunks are a thousand times worse.

Yeah you're absolutely right when it comes to collateral damage and yeah drunks are way more destructive. I think in a sober State most drunks know how terrible they are or at least deep down know. You're right also about the real hardcore ones they have absolutely no self-awareness. William Macy from Shameless comes to mind that guy plays a great drunk.

Macy is great, but the original Frank, on the UK show the US one is based on, is WAY more of an asshole. Macy is likeable, the actor in the UK really isn't.

He plays a great drunk.

This isn't pot culture, it's trip culture, which is more insufferable and boring than pot culture.

"All the world's problems would be solved if we all took mescaline in the desert and opened our third eyes, maaaaaaaan."

Pot heads just sit on the couch and talk about doing shit they never get around to doing.

Trippers sit on the couch and talk about how aliens did it.

You absolutely nailed it.

Joe Rogan didn't say that.

But his brain did

Alpha Brain

Beta Height

Omega queer

That some deep stuff, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaann.

I ever tell the story the first time i did mushrooms, did them with a friend. He wanted to keep secret from bro and gf (like 10 of us hanging out drinking) he finds out this police activity we saw right before we took the mushrooms was a druni driving accident that his father died in. Holy shit that sucked, amd he still wanted to keep it secret!!! After he found out

I don't know if youre mocking Joe or if you are legit high right now.

He has brain damage

Rogan might have Benjamin Button syndrome of the mind but at least he's not a wife murderer let's not get off the topic here!

More like unbutton Benjamins buttons syndrome amarite


THERES the joke! Finally someone said what we were all thinking!

And the person presenting it.

I believe it was Australia.