Sam Roberts, in a rare moment of honesty, tells Gregg that he tends to wear on people

17  2016-11-26 by TheScarletR


This other time, they asked Sam how his opinion of them has changed during his time working for them, and he replied with, "The role model/hero element is definitely gone." It was obviously meant for laughs, but I still found it interesting.

He laughed because he thought Sam was kidding

I found that funny too. Was clearly a harsh jab and Opie thought it was just a generic response

haha yeah rare like my shiny cubone!

Does Sam mention Syracuse U. everytime he's on air?

jimmy - "does he look different?"

doesn't watch any comedians work.. doesn't know any music... doesn't realise people can age over ten years.

why doesn't he wear off people or sumthin?? tsss
