Never get married.

78  2016-11-26 by [deleted]



Thanks for the unsolicited and non pertaining advice.


I really hate you for saying "no problems" instead of "no problem"

Cheer up buckaroo.. You could always just slay some poon on the side


Just fuck whores.


Have you tried fucking your kids?


to be fair Dani always seemed like a broken degenerate, I mean she was raised by Kermit the Frog! Do you think Kermit the Frog would be a good father?




You're fucking your kids up more by showing them that the right way to live is in a loveless marriage. That's the worst cop out. You don't have the balls to leave your wife. It's okay, you can admit it.

Just went through a break up, this piece of shit post helped me feel better about breaking up with her. Also, I'm really. Enjoying being alone and not having to worry about making dinner with her or having things planned and now all of my money is spent on me or drugs or other fun stuff. Sorry about your marriage though.

You could always Oswalt the bitch, or just Benoit the whole family if you don't want to break your kids hearts.


True, he's had plenty of practice as the Golden State Killer.


I have a weight bench I'm not using.

Don't blame your kids for being such a faggot. You're not a martyr, you're a pussy who doesn't want to get what he wants out of life and finds other people to blame for it. Boo hoo, sorry you have a bad childhood, I'm pretty sure everyone here did, but some of us ignored that shit and grew up to be very successful truck drivers.

If you have a boy, your boy is going to grow up to see you as a little bitch getting run over every time by your wife, and he's going to grow up to be a fag. If you have a girl she's going to be sucking so many cocks, she'll put your numbers to shame.

An unhappy marriage fucks up kids, you're not a martyr for not ending it, you're doing your kids a disservice. Lots of people have separated parents but great childhoods. You get over that. You don't get over hearing your dad groan through the wall as he gets pegged every night.

Stop being a fag and blaming others

This is an absolute masterpiece

Jesus don't gimme that for the kids bullshit, a terrible marriage in which two people hate each other is often worse for the kid than separated parents.

Don't use your kids as an excuse for your vaginitis.

why jump to the conclusion that it's marriage full of hate? it's likely not and they put up a front that kids don't see through, this isn't spaghetti on the wall type of deal I bet.

Kids see through a hell of a lot more than we think. I do the same thing since my twenties whenever an under 12 year old speaks it's nothing more than a naive child to me. But think back to when you were 12, how much shit did you know that the adults around you didn't realize you knew? Exactly. The only reason we discount what kids say and do is to make ourselves feel more secure in our "no idea what the fuck I'm doing or who I am" lives.

I was retarded when I was 12

or were just your parents shitty at faking it?

My parents separated when I was 6 which turned me into the intelligent well adjusted young man I am today.

tss fawkin w8 for it....


What will fuck up your kids more: having a empty shell of a dad or having two happy but separate parents?

there's an argument to be made that possibly even separate they would be empty shells fixing nothing can causing more trauma to the kids.

Yeah I agree. Divorcing isn't going to make parents automatically happy. Actually, in the short run, it would make things worse if there are disputes over property and child custody. Then, both parents need the courage to get back into the real world and start living lives. That's hard enough for a single never-married person to do, who has no relatuonship baggage.

Amicable divorces are possible when you don't wait for the entire relationship to implode.

How does your wife feel?

Seeing a broken marriage is worse for kids

Divorce doesn't fuck up a kid's life you overdramatic fag



My advice, divorce your will get over it. Better now than you resenting them later on.


more than 50% of people get divorced at this point, get over yourself homo.

It might fuck them up more living with parents who hate each other.

the solution is not to teach the happy marriage idea to your kids, it never happens, it's all about CONSTANT compromise and that makes no one full of joy, we've idealized marriage and it's the worst thing society could have done


yup, the more empowered everyone becomes the less likely they are willing to change, adapt or temporarily compromise. There's a clear trend of divorces skyrocketing so at last we know we're right, not that it helps anyone

I'm really happy with married life.

But I waited until I was 43 years old. I basically refused to settle down with someone unless they were really knocking it out of the park. I wouldn't even let a woman live in my place. (Until I got married.)

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's a buyer's market when you're a single dude in your 40s.

What do you do for a living, character?


I've been married for two years, but I met my wife twenty two years ago.

TBH, I don't think it would've worked if I hadn't waited. I can't think of many good reasons to get married before you're 40. It's supply and demand, if you're 40 and you're single, there's a lot of demand for that.

Demand from who? Other 40 yr olds?

If you're 35 and you're single, the world is your oyster. There are 25 year olds who'll date you, 30 year olds, 45 year olds, whatever.

Once you hit 40 it gets trickier, and by the time you're 45 you're starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel. (Just ask Anthony Cumia)

What's beyond bottom of the barrel?

Ohhhh... Shit starts to swing the other way huh? Explains Cumia and the trannies

We found our new leader!

Are you speaking for yourself or your domestic partner?

I think statistically kids end up more mentally healthy if their parents get divorced in situations like this, because living with 2 parents who hate each other fucks them up more than living between 2 parents that are separate but happy.

"This guy knows what I'm talkin about"

Take your wife, please.

If I lived to browse this shithole sub for a thousand years, I would never think I would eventually come across a quote from the Bhagavad Gita. My weekend hasn't been too bad so far. Thanksgiving wasn't awful, but my sister's quinceaƱera is tomorrow, so the possibility of my weekend going to shit is still on the table.

yeah well that goes without saying, enjoy the Corona and Goya rice

Getting married is for women and faggots

Get you a Tranny, nigga. All the pretty looks and none of all those shitty organs and feelings that come plopping out later in life. Plus theres a high suicide rate so chances are you only get a few years and deep pumps in and then your off the hook.

Tittys are expenive tho, Ask Ant. And Opie too. Jeezus whoever thought 5 years ago that Norton would be third down the list when it comes to tranny jokes


Yeah, women are awful soul crushing cunts. Though not married, I am stuck in a miserable relationship in which I am kept in line by the constant threat of blackmail. If I leave, my life is ruined, and if I stay, I will eventually just kill myself. The line men get fed their entire lives that women are saintly figures who deserve love and respect is garbage; they suck your essence from you and leave you a shriveled husk of despair and misery. The only thing that keeps me going, is knowing that Opie endures the same thing but on a far worse level given that his wife took it doggy style on a half pipe.

I am going to great the next great American novel about your life! I'm going to call it "Based on a fag"

The only happy men are the ones who realize having a wife isn't at all like having a partner. Patrice really laid out the basics, you pretty much need to be a mentor your entire life but as long as you keep that power she'll respect you and do things for you.


Whats she got on you thats so damning? Cant be thst bad

Every girl I've dated, I've said to them how marriage won't work and no couples stay happy. They ALWAYS say how their grandparents are still happy and how that's bullshit, but every time I meet their grandparents -- I can see the broken-down spirit and sadness in the grandfather's eyes.

My entire family is religious (think something like jw, 7th day adventist, mormon). I am notice my two older siblings relationships the men are very checked out. It's haunting to see. Then comes me and I've fucked by life up so hard I can't help but love and enjoy everyday while often talking to myself or no one at all like a crazy person. My younger bro just got engaged but his girl is mexican (very light skinned Cancun type). They seem very much in love. But my poor olders siblings I believe the "love" if there ever was any is drained out/draining away. Remember ole Patrice taught it's very important to not love the person but like them rather.


WtF dude you post here yesterday getting everybody excited about the possibility of a murder/suicide now you crawl on back telling us you're buddy buddy playing gears of war 3 together?

His wife found his account. The murder plan is still a go.

Obviously you've never enjoyed the volatile bliss of marriage.


Is it really that bad? I am not married, but almost every person in my family seems to have a very good marriage. My parents are very happily married. My grandparents were. It just seems like you need to work on it. Do some crazy shit to make your life more exciting.

sounds like he married the wrong woman for the wrong reasons. If you're not a flimsy homo crying about your childhood like the OP and you share similar interests, then you're more likely to have a good relationship with a strong foundation to build on.



According to this sub you're just a sad broken asshole.

Here's the thing, faggot, if you resign yourself to a situation like this then yes it's going to be your life. You are gaining a type of comfort in your maudlin misery, because you've convinced yourself it's an inevitability, but that's just not true. You're allowed to divorce your wife, it's legal in America. You're allowed to be a good father whether you're with your wife or not. If you do divorce her it will be hard at first. It will take a lot of work and resources. But if you want to live life in your own terms you're the only one holding yourself back. Probably due to laziness and cowardice if you're honest with yourself. But don't pretend your personal misery of your own creation us some universal constant. It isn't.


The worst part about working up the courage to do it is you're going to feel miserable about getting there. You're going to second guess yourself. If by some miracle you do work up the courage to leave you're going to immediately feel you made a massive mistake. Maybe you'll try to get back with her, and relinquish even more of your self-respect and self-determination in the process. But that's life. It's an uncertain proposition. Here's where you haven't fucked up:

You know how you're now stuck in his situation with a woman who drains you of the will to live? Well imagine if you hadn't asked her out that first time. If you hadn't married. If you had have stayed on your own instead. Right now you might be miserable and alone, wishing you had taken a chance with her. Maybe you'd be even more miserable with someone else. Maybe you would have found the love of your life. That's the thing about being a human on earth, we just cannot predict what our future, or even our reactions to things will be until we've lived or experienced them. Sometimes for a long time.

But you've learned how you feel now, about yourself and her. Time to take another plunge into the unknown, but this time as an older and wiser you.


Hey, he might not be. Take the plural off that slur!


You realize it's thinking like this that Got You cuckolds into the fucked-up marriage in the first place. This is shit advice if you go in thinking like this don't go at all because you will be miserable alone. Show some backbone you've determined your unhappy likely for many years, make a firm decision and leave the bitch. Start taking control of your God damn happiness and mental state. Stop letting someone else determine your happiness especially a woman.

I think you might have missed the point of my comments in a spectacularly shortsighted way haha.


I don't think you're being misogynistic, just a missing the point dullard which is way less fun.

Why don't you clarify the point for me then.

I really can't think of how to dumb it down any further. Very simply put already.

You sir have a whole new life waiting for you. A life with you being a better father to your kids do to your happiness. A life full of exciting new pussy that you command. A life without her proverbial fangs sucking your soul. Stop being a faggot and go claim your new life! Be calculated, be prepared, and always be 3 steps ahead. Understand that it will take about two years, some money, and some sit down time with your kids.

Get on dating sites... If you're a man in your thirties forties or fifties even your sixties and you're not a complete loser with a decent source of income the favor is on your side. It's nothing like dating in your twenties. There are literally hordes of leftovers, widowers, and divorcees that will suck the skin off your cock for an ounce of your life force that you're currently giving your wife. You will be so pleasantly surprised I promise you.

And for the love of holey fuck take your own advice don't marry one of them!

I don't know who talked about this phenomenon but it's an ingenious idea (i believe it was a comedian on some podcast) If you do choose to get married, by all means have a ceremony but in no way do you ever sign a marriage certificate. You both enter into the relationship understanding that you can have your marriage and renew that commitment every 7 years with but there will never be any binding contract. Now if you have a kid then yes you are fucked I suppose.

I heard Louis CK talking about that on O&A in an old episode.

If you wanted someone to fuck your wife in front of you just say it.

That's why I only date girls with lower self esteem than me. That way, I know they won't fuck with me cause they're just happy somebody is sticking it in them. Well, if I dated girls that's what I would do.

Meanwhile, Jim Norton wants a relationship....

Go jump off a building.

dont tell me what to do your not my dad! im going to marry 3 women and two guys just to show you do you understand me?


FYI apparently on meth you don't care about sexual preference.

hey if your lonely you can go annoy people in bars like all the other sad old men! i dont have to listen to you!


It can be very lonely indeed but that's life for everybody. It's your job to improve yourself and be solid like a rock or at least not a total pushover before that first date/hookup. I am sad for you guys that are hurting because you can improve your situation immensely if you'd like. Checkout coach corey wayne on youtube and get the book "3% man" on amazon kindle for 10 bucks. I still need to read/listen thru it 14 more times but it's working!

Lol bro, do you even lift?

You just need to take up a good hobby like cocaine.

I work at a Country Club and bullshit with some of the members about life. This is the advice I hear the most by far. Not in a funny way either, like seriously bummed out old fucks.

Yeah, yeah, where are the martinis Pedro?

Tying the knot in a few weeks but I figure I'll just divorce her when I get bored.

Yeah. My wife told me she would stab me on Thanksgiving's day. Not even joking. Now today everything is fine. I married insane pretty person, but girls say insane shit and won't do anything about it. Chill out.

Even after you are still in love with the woman after dating for two years? I know this sounds naive. Also, the girl you've met has changed your life in enriching/tangible ways. I thought marriage would of been a net good.

Ps. You were a month sober off heroin when you met her and she still wanted you so you had build yourself before and during the relationship. I was in a relationship with a junkie for 3 years and I know what unhealthful relationships are like.



You're correct. If you needed a woman to get you over the hump emotionally, you're fucked.

If you're not the unquestionable source of strength, money, energy, etc at the beginning god knows after a few years of slowly chiseling away at your testicles like a termite the advantage will inevitably fall in her favor.

You should say never marry your wife, or never be you, since these are just your personal problems, not problems with marriage in general.

I could write the same thing, except replace the title with "never get repressed married men off craigslist to blow you"

I'll consider marriage if a woman proposes to me. But I don't care much about relationships or sex enough to go out of my way to find either. If at some point I meet a cool lady and we fall in love, that's great.

Derosa?!? What are you doing here?


Try marrying a good person. Fixes most of this.


Try marrying a transwoman instead.

What's redpill mean?

Im the last single person I know of everyone I know. Im in my upper 30s. I fucked one of my favorotie porn stars all last weekend without a bag. And came in her. 3x. (She's early 40s and retired)


Did you try to get a refund?

Link her resume, you braggadocious twat.

She is absolutely filthy. The very first morning I woke up in LA visiting/first time I was ever here, we walked down Ventura blvd and walked past a porn shop. We went in, and I saw her on the cover of the box, and I was like "Jeeezus CHRIST, who is this." I bought it right there, it as $20. I was in love ever since.

Her name's Friday, and she has a big F tattoo'd over her pussy, which was what initially endeared me to her so. I was like "She's like a fucking superhero," it was so cool. I said that is commitment." She was on Porn Star Olympics on Howard Stern, and she was on O&A too. The first time Jimmy ever emailed me back, I wrote to him saying how lucky he was to make out with Friday. He said "It was fantatic, she spit in my mouth and spit her gum into my mouth too."

Fast forward, I have my fingers crossed that she's not knocked up or that my dick doesn't fall off. I talk about it on my stupid podcast if anyone wants to poison their ears. (Sorry, I gotta at least try)

Lovely story, Doc. Link the podcast. I'll listen while I sit on the toilet later today (I had a five cheese, four egg omelette for brunch)!

Thanks, buddy.

Free on itunes & Stitcher too, Live From The 405 podcast. (Or under Lookin Good Radio) Nothing will evacuate your bowels like my awful show.

Great story. Wasn't immediately familiar with Friday but I looked her up and that F tattoo is unforgettable. I've definitely beat off to her work before. She's quite the looker. And good for you for being a man and fucking her raw dog.

Thanks. Yeah, I couldn't help it. I hate condoms. She's at my place still right now, Im trying to get rid of her.

How much did she charge?

One STD.


A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.

For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be the greatest enemy.

Well, you bastardized the Bhagvat Gita, so why not do the family a favour and bastardize the kids?



Jesus man I'm sorry


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If I were you I'd just work it all out.


There's always suicide. Or as I say "sillycide" šŸ˜˜

Guess you should have picked a better wife. 13 years in, still having a good time.

Or possibly a husband, based on all these dramatics.




I passed out 3 times yesterday each time puking all over myself and I thought my life sucked

She's banging a dude with a bigger dick that doesn't obsess over 50 year old men on a message board.


Pussy...just eat a bullet and you'll be saving everyone from your misery..your children will thank you...the black bull fucking your wife will thank you..and I will thank you for not wasting anymore pathetic air...good day sir!!!

I'd probably be willing to marry out of desperation. Never even had a girlfriend. The loneliness is getting to me.

Go to couples therapy.

Get AIDS from a hobo gang rape.

Both options sound about equally as pleasant.

Ah, this explains why you're the killjoy in the Trump related threads.



Kill yourself. I'm 100% serious. Just do it.


Is robot the first thing you thought of that shuts down you fool? Because the something you have is worse than nothing. I promise, just blow your brains out now and if you don't like it, we'll talk.


But a bad something still gives the chance for things to get better, and a fuckton of days to do so. When you're dead none of that can happen.


True, he's had plenty of practice as the Golden State Killer.

The worst part about working up the courage to do it is you're going to feel miserable about getting there. You're going to second guess yourself. If by some miracle you do work up the courage to leave you're going to immediately feel you made a massive mistake. Maybe you'll try to get back with her, and relinquish even more of your self-respect and self-determination in the process. But that's life. It's an uncertain proposition. Here's where you haven't fucked up:

You know how you're now stuck in his situation with a woman who drains you of the will to live? Well imagine if you hadn't asked her out that first time. If you hadn't married. If you had have stayed on your own instead. Right now you might be miserable and alone, wishing you had taken a chance with her. Maybe you'd be even more miserable with someone else. Maybe you would have found the love of your life. That's the thing about being a human on earth, we just cannot predict what our future, or even our reactions to things will be until we've lived or experienced them. Sometimes for a long time.

But you've learned how you feel now, about yourself and her. Time to take another plunge into the unknown, but this time as an older and wiser you.

I don't know who talked about this phenomenon but it's an ingenious idea (i believe it was a comedian on some podcast) If you do choose to get married, by all means have a ceremony but in no way do you ever sign a marriage certificate. You both enter into the relationship understanding that you can have your marriage and renew that commitment every 7 years with but there will never be any binding contract. Now if you have a kid then yes you are fucked I suppose.

I have a weight bench I'm not using.

My parents separated when I was 6 which turned me into the intelligent well adjusted young man I am today.

tss fawkin w8 for it....