Chubby 4'5" marshmallow faced loser Patton Osw'al'abi calls on terrorists to attack Trump's properties

123  2016-11-25 by Ant_Sucks


That's enough to ruin most people.

It's amazing what you can get away with when you are a liberal.

I bet if Ant had been praising obama like Patton had the last 10 years, ant wouldn't have been fired

I think Sirius would've taken any excuse to get that kid toucher out of their hallways.

I still remember hearing the disgust in Patrice O'neal's voice when that grease ball said he would bang a 13 year old. Is that clip still up on Youtube? On its own its a tasteless quip but not when you know Anthony's history.

So he was disgusted at 13 but Patrice said that to catch a predator was bullshit because 14 isn't a kid?

I think Patrice was speaking from his own experience that as a 16 year-old, 14 isn't a kid.

14 is a rape victim to Patrice

You mean for Patrice ;D

He was saying that people that go after teens aren't the worst people, the ones who target young children are. But 6 year olds aren't joining a lot of chatrooms.

Hey man the bottom half of a clock feels the best around your cock

The quickness was weird. That nigga had that locked and loaded.

Ants a creep

That clip was on this sub's front page a few days ago and reminders are posted at least every month.

I wish he only touched them...

I am going to go out on a limb here and assume that Patton is a miserable fuck.


Patton really is a disgusting douchebag.

I actually thought his stand up was pretty good back in the day, but his Hillary bullshit was a big turn off. So, was his white knighting of Ghostbusters and that shit.

And Yes, if he didn't kill his wife, he was somehow responsible for her death.

Fuck him

White knighting ghostbusters was worse than this tweet. Her can at least claim he was joking about the tweet but he was dead serious about that movie being good.

I used to like him, or at least not mind him. His social media completely ruined him. I wouldnt pay to see him, I wouldn't buy anything of his, I wouldn't even listen to him on a podcast. (He's on Maron this week) No thanks.

Nice work, Patton!

Patton is a cucked Jim Norton that's less funny.

Boy is killing your wife a slippery slope - next Patton will be hunting for underage boy ass in the Philippines.

By "will be", did you mean "she found out, and that's why he killed her"

This dude needs to get the FUCK off twitter (ahem ant), get away for awhile to some rustic location so his daughter can properly mourn, and he can dump the remaining evidence. He'll feel a lot better and balanced.

And use the code word Rogan to order some alpha brain right

His bots are even turning on him in the comments

this cant be real is it?

It is. He deleted the tweet and now is saying he meant it ironically - ya know just like the way he killed his bitch.

Marshmallow Face owns up to it here: Must have realized he doesn't need the FBI poking around.


Lol dipshit who got famous on "irony" apparently can't have it "land" correctly. What a fucking dumb douchebag. Can't even own up to his own, middle school girl mentality.



It's real, I just checked his twitter and he deleted it and apologized. What a piece of shit

Perhaps Patton should stick to being a comedian instead of a hack, self-righteous political pundit.


Damnit I stink

Very little difference these days.

I'm so goddamn sick of hearing people bitch about Trump

Pandering political commentary on social media is an easier way to stay relevant than actually being a comedian.

He's trying to call Antwan Kumiya into action.

But first, some Karaoke

oh great...what fucking terrorist watch list did i get put on for clicking that

They put you under "Fat and irrelevant" dont worry

I'm gonna put this on next time I try and fuck this Arab chick I've been working on. She doesn't know english yet so hopefully this will make her feel comfortable with me even though I smell like old age and caster oil.

I mean I know the right did this too after Obama got elected to an extent with the Tea Party. But they did not have celebrity endorsement and despite having some retards they were not as cringe-worthy as all of these reactionaries. I'm genuinely interested in the psychology behind this.

What is Patton going for here? As much as I dislike him he has to have the comedic fortitude to understand that this is not funny it's not good humor. Not because it's in bad taste but it's just not funny. It's cringe-worthy and sad to see what is supposed to be a man this emotionally wrapped up in politics. Go work on some Trump jokes faggot that are actually funny.

Patton has more in common with Amy Schumer than just being pig-faced and unfuckable they also don't understand comedy any longer.

It all started when we began to hold up comedians as modern philosiphers instead of paid dick joke tellers.

Umm....Jon Stewart? Bill Maher?

Naht funny! And punt!

If there is one thing to learn from the last election it's that comedians are uneducated, populist, liberal-minded retards. They're talented at delivering dick jokes but sub par in anything that requires intellectual prowess.

I've noticed that Republicans like to argue, but Democrats freak the fuck out if you disagree with them. Due to this, they tend to blackball anyone that doesn't agree with their worldview.

Due to this, people like Patton Oswalt probably think that 95% of their audience thinks exactly the same way that they do.

I like that you distinguish comedy ("funny") from "humor" and "in bad taste" from "just not funny." If only the average American could do the same.

Too late now it hit the top of /r/the_donald a little while ago. I suspect the FBI and Secret Service have a few dozen complaints each by now. I doubt he is going to get in any real trouble from it other then a knock on his door. Glenn Beck outright said that Trump should be killed and nothing happened.

If the secret service was able to investigate every potential threat to Donald Trump online they would have to employ half the country.

As it is, they must have their hands full. If there's hundreds of thousands of posts/tweets like this (and there are) that means that at least a few hundred of them warrant further investigation.

I've been reporting every Trump death threat I see on twitter and the accounts get suspended pretty quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI looked into a few of them.

If you report someone for making threats they will get a knock on the door. It won't be tomorrow but you can bet in the coming week or two agents will pay him a visit. They will also pay a visit to anyone falsely reporting threats.

A lot of people have had your attitude just to find two Secret Service agents waiting for them after work. The SS does not fuck around.

Kills his wife and gets away with it. Now he is promoting terrorism. Little troll must be all balls.

Haha I get it! Lmao comedians are so funny these days.

Is Trump's properties a euphemism for for his wife's corpse?

Enjoy the knock on the door from the feds, shithead. Deleting something on the internet doesn't make it go away.

hope he gets treated like that guy with the quran in v for vendetta

They say that his wife was seen around town without her burqa on before her murder, perhaps this was sheihk Patton's motive?

His whole manner comes off as a chubby disgruntled ten year old. Yuck!

He wants terrorists to attack innocent people but Trump's a bad guy, lol

ISIS did nothing wrong

ISIS training videos is where he learned the proper technique to kill.

Patton is so brave to speak truth to power. His willingness to espouse unpopular opinions makes him a modern day Carlin. He's risking his career by being so contrarian, so he has my respect.

This sub has a way of making me hate people I once liked.

If Patton could just keep his freaking mouth shut about politics for one second, I could enjoy him and his comedy again.

Only two things are certain in life:

Death, and patton oswalt murdered his wife.

Jesus Christ can these liberals take a look in the mirror? They have become everything they accuse the right of. So fucking butt hurt.

He would love it if someone killed Trump.

He would probably make a video of his daughter cheering with some smug shit caption


Actively calling for terrorism now? First ammendment and all, but doesn't that fall under yelling fire in a theater or bomb on an airplane?

He turned his wife into a sleeper cell

Patton is losing it. Hope he gets his shit together.

We have become the outrage enthusiasts we set out to destroy.

I'm glad his wife is dead and when his daughter grows up to get back at him for being a shitty father. She will go to church and be a proud republican and wear #maga hats


Patton has a pretty fat ass. Make for a pretty easy target for booting any time he goes outside. Let's get at it.



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You guys realize he's saying it puts a big target on stuff they can attack because it's owned by the president, not suggesting they SHOULD attack it?

Also holy shit the racism in that title!

Um....he cheered terrorists on.

The original tweet did not. But his comment in it did.

That is explicitly not what he is doing in context. He's restating it in a much more blatant manner, yes. But he's also sharing it with his audience to let them know that this is a concern. He's not saying he wants it to happen, he's expressing disdain that the POTUS has these huge targets.

Like if you left your car unlocked in a bad neighborhood and I said holy shit, criminals come and get it! I'm not advertising a free car I'm trying to show you how obvious a target it is. I hope I explained that well! I see how you might read it the way you said but I am positive that's not what he is meaning or saying here.

No. He's encouraging terrorists to attack Trump properties. It's pretty obvious.

Okay well I disagree completely and stated my reasons.

It is. He deleted the tweet and now is saying he meant it ironically - ya know just like the way he killed his bitch.

It's real, I just checked his twitter and he deleted it and apologized. What a piece of shit

Marshmallow Face owns up to it here: Must have realized he doesn't need the FBI poking around.

But first, some Karaoke

By "will be", did you mean "she found out, and that's why he killed her"

ISIS training videos is where he learned the proper technique to kill.