"Tss...rubenesque & shit" Get a load of drivel from this waste of skin

17  2016-11-25 by Cryptokunt


ok im really watching that shit now.

"like any form of systematic opression, fat phobia is deeply rooted in complex structures like capitalism, patriarchy and racism."

sure! Use all the buzzwords to justify eating another slice of cake. god damnit, i mean there are a lots of people in the world and i think most just dont give a fucking about most things as it should be, but why are those nutcases always given plattforms to spew their nonsense and agitate the rest.

There's no fat phobia. No one is scared of fat people. We just don't want to fuck you. It's biological. My dick doesn't care about the patriarchy, capitalism, or advertising. Fat women dont give me an erection. On a basic biological level, I'm seeing an unhealthy mate, and thus aren't interested in pro creating with someone who is unhealthy.

These women are delusional. Eat less and exercise or don't, but you're not changing millions of years of evolution and human sexuality with your stupid lectures.

Just a clarification, you're probably not consciously (or unconsciously) determining she's a bad mate, consciously your brain is thinking "that's disgusting". The evolutionary process shaped that disgust-module to think that because of fitness-maximization etc.

Although if the genetic precursor to obesity was an adaptation in the ancestral environment I wonder if fat people used to have an advantage because they would be healthy in times of scarcity, and now because of abundance they don't match our attractive-pattern-matching brain module. That would be a hilarious cruel irony, tell fat people to move to indigenous areas and maybe they'll thrive :P


This beautiful man is so fat he's cross eyed.



You can hear here getting out of breath by the end of the talk. Shes just unfit, really unfit, really really unfit. Shes fat.

Ramone get this fat disgusting pig a heart attack.

People who listen to Ted talks deserve to be beheaded by ISIS.

People who listen to Ted talks deserve to be beheaded by ISIS.

That escalated quickly

Not quickly enough; people who listen to Ted talks still have heads.

Wouldn't it be funny if the audience just started hucking jugs of milk at this fat sensitive cunt

TED talks are seriously retarded. It is a fucking scam organisation.

Look how out of breath she's getting just standing there and talking.

This is who designed her dress btw.

You beat me to it, will delete my comment

I mean if she doesn't need it I can always park my car under it

That dress makes her look like a hot air balloon.

Forget her terrible dress, look at those fucking shoes!

What's Bruce vilanch doing on stage in drag?

Notice that this lump is wheezing by the end of her 5 minute speech

I agree with the sentiment of this video. You should be able to have your cake and eat another two.

I just looked at her and judged her, she is a fat piece of shit who oughta be shamed by society.

So many people starving and this cunt eats pasta and bread every night.

Maybe the real people who are victimized are the ones that die everyday because this fat tub of fucking shit hoovers it all up.

Maybe if fat people did not exist starvation would end, this cunt is part of the problem, and her views are detrimental to the solution.

Your body image means shit to me, you are a waste of resources.

Don't you think she's a brave funny woman? It must be hard for her to live in a society (created by white men) where she can stuff her fat ugly mug at all times of the day.

She should become a feminist in Saudi Arabia.

I can't pay attention with her nervous fat breathing.

Rubenesque...yeah I'll bet she's had her fair share of reubens

More like Kelli Jean Drinkdietcoke

Am I rite?

More like Kelli Jean Drinkgravy


I'd swear I saw her floating over Lions stadium

It's her nudging jupiter out of its orbit!

Are you saying she's so massive and dense that she has her own gravitational pull?

I'm disappointed that they disabled comments on the video.

It's due to the overwhelming ISIS response to her awful Iron Sheikh boots. A pair of dead cats would've been less atrocious

Her confidence has inspired me to order an anchovy and sausage pizza with xtra cheese.

She's breathing hard immediately...

Mother told me I had to let her talk on my platform. She said Teddy Sheckler you let her speak, I said but mother the stage can't take her weight because its built from unsold toothpicks from my old toothpick emporium.

You shouldn't fear fat.

You should fear heart disease, beetus, stroke, and above all else looking like a disgusting cunt.

Now, imagine if this staypuff cunt spent the same ammount of time trying to lose weight as she does trying to convince the world that fat is bootifull, she's probably look alright..

Its like if i had acne.. Like a full face of acne, and instead of washing my face and not rubbing grease all over my it, i went up on stage at TED and lectured everyone that finding my acne filled face ugly is a "phobia", and not wanting to kiss each individual zit on my horrendous face is "bigoted".

She's so fat and annoying her heart is about to attack her.

Jesus Christ she's a fucking walking can of Crisco! This fat fucker must be in great shape she's fucking breathing like she is sprinting after taking a few goddamn steps on stage. I can't help but think what it would be like to fuck the creases in her body. All she has to do is put her chins to her chest and there's like four neck pussies to fuck.

TED Talks are for no nothing pretentious cunts to pay a fee to go try and sound intelligent for an hour. The only thing worse than TED Talks are the Dillard's who watch them religiously and think they are being enlightened because of it. This fucking Moo Cow actually thinks she's going to convince people that being fat is ok and healthy. For fuck sakes we've really lost our way philosophically.


Guys, don't you know only alt-right people find fat people attractive? Fat bodies are inherently political, you're racist if you don't fuck her.

Kelly Moomoo Drinksoda

Everyone has the ability to lose weight. Some just have to try harder than others. But, if you want to live a long happy life you must be healthy.

This is the most anti o&a comment I've ever seen.


this bitch was on an australian show and got super defensive when asked what she eats 46:50 because I'm a retared who can't timestamp on mobile.

but from 42:00 onwards its just fatties getting mad

She's come a long way from starring in shitty Opieradio videos

So according to her, If you don't eat after 7pm, you have fat phobia.

Or.. oh.. I don't know.. I WISH TO REMAIN HEALTHY?

Those poor, lil gold boots.