Jim Florentine unable to achieve natural erection since being cucked by basement dwelling 23 year old.

20  2016-11-25 by EncinoEscobar


Why would I buy his special, what am I 12?

"The thrice-married Warner, 30" You'd have to be a fucking mongoloid to marry someone who's been divorced twice, especially if they've been divorced twice before age 30.

I wanna know more about him being a cuckold so I can laugh at his misery.

A cuck lets it happen and enjoys it. By that logic every women who is between a 3-10 who is under that age of 55 is cucking you.

Buy a dictionary, friend.

"a cuckold is complicit in his (or her) partner's sexual "infidelity"; the wife who enjoys cuckolding her husband is called a cuckoldress if the man is more submissive."

Nah, I'll just use the internet. The place where you found out the meaning of the word in it's fetish form.

You are genuinely and invincibly ignorant. A cuckold has, for centuries, been a man whose wife commits adultery.

Too bad it's not any more. And you didn't start using it until early this year.

I bet she moaned so hard.

Let's ask her shall we?

Finally a real man was fucking me, instead of this clumsy doddering oaf falling onto me and ramming a half a softy against my inner thigh until he grunts and 2 drops of jizz dribbles down his shaft.

Here's a great bit from his new special about debit cards and how Florentine is the only one who can see how stupid they are. That's right, debit cards.


His wife used his debit card to pay for the hotels and dinners for her sexual trysts with a 23 year old stud who has a better paying job.

Actually hotels typically won't accept a debit card, only a credit card.

Most debit cards are both these days, they're debit/credit, and hotels take them. I used mine at hotels and rental cars for years, because I got airline mileage from it.

You have to be seriously poor or have really, really shit credit to have a card that's just debit.

I only use prepaid visa gift cards.

He gets paid shit and will probably get shot by a black kid in the next few years.

I would buy his special but he just convinced me how stupid debit cards are.


why the fuck am i blocked for jims twitter? dont think ive ever even clicked on his page until just now. fucker.

"If just 4 people buy it I can a real Cialis instead of a cheap bootleg one."

  • I CAN A REAL? He can't even write. Jammin' Jim... still a moron after all these years.

Fuck his band shirts from Target. What is he 12?

That's prescription drug tho

I don't think you've fully understood how to do the Sherrod thing, friend.

Jesus, why would he want to create a news story about this by writing letters and shit? Just do what every real man does: kick her to the curb and find your next cock holster. Rinse and repeat. There's a new whore around every corner. I swear men who marry and have kids are half faggots.