Any other Jewish Pro Life sexual assault victims around here?

40  2016-11-25 by Tell_Em_Fred


I was under the impression this is the largest community of jewish pro life sexual assault victims on the internet

Yeah, that's why I'm here.

Are perpetrators allowed, or is it only victims?

Victims must be accompanied by their perpetrators or appointed representatives of their perpetrators.

Don't forget the clause that if you put it in a book, it doesn't count.


I'm a pro sexual assault jewish life victim


I don't know if this counts but I am pro-israel so they're all in one spot to kill. I love killing babies but I am pro-life as long as your white and make a good living. In postmodern Society you have to be Pro sexual assault since all sexual contact has become sexual assault. I also get turned on when girls queef during sex.


Oi, my totty sucked my schminkle.

Let me check in the back....nope fresh out.

I have two in the pen. What do you need?

Just like minded mentally ill victim hooded folks.

Yes, me. My older sister shoved rocks in my pussy when I was young and now I'm gay.


Let me check the oven!

i have a bunch in the ashtray

A German man once fucked my nostrils and took my pouch of gold

I am, but it was just a social experiment


You would think with our open-mindedness and peaceful nature, we'd be overflowing.

tss why not a peppa


This question gave me a stroke.

I'm pretty sure Piggy Largeham said she was "Pro-choice".

Oy. My fetus killing me!


I'm a staunch Muslim who encourages euthanasia so I can engage in I'm out.
