Planes Trains and Automobiles is a fantastic movie

23  2016-11-24 by NortheastPhilly


It is a great movie, thanks for reminding us, guy from 1987.

tss dis is ur brain on drugz r sumptin

That's a good one, Chip.

About to watch it as I do every Thanksgiving. My favorite John Hughes movie

"You're going the wrong way!" "Oh, they're drunk, how do they know which way we're going?"

"Yea, how do they know?"

This joker wants to race

You know what would make me happy?

Another couple of balls, and an extra set of fingers?

I love the synth soundtrack. Especially when John Candy reveals his wife died. It's so moody.

a fucking Datsun, a fucking Toyota, a fucking Mustang, a fucking Buick .. four fucking wheels and a seat!

"You're fucked".

Edie McClurg, one of the best character actresses around.

"Well Ed with your bad knees you really shouldn't be throwing anyone" Gets me every time.

Oh Mer, you're a stitch!

Another great holiday family movie:
One of those heartfelt twist endings. Worth a watch. Great for kids and grandparents.

That movie was so fucking gay.

"Wheres your other hand?" "Between 2 pillows"

" I have breasts and those aren't my kids "

We watched it last night at the OnA movie channel. If you have any other thanksgiving movies you want to make fun of with degenerates go there and ask braunheiser to add it to the list, all he does all day is troll proudboys and monitor that chatroom. He's the real article.


Gobble, Gobble.

One of the best movies ever.

Planes Trains... This film really warms my cockles.

Trying to remember if there's anything else I didn't hate Steve Martin in. Not a big fan but he was damn good in this.

LA Story, The Jerk, Bowfinger, Roxanne, My Blue Heaven, Parenthood, and Leap of Faith. The rest are crap.

Thanks for the advice. I liked My Blue Heaven when I was a tween, now I can't believe I ever did. He was embarrassingly awful with that shtick, especially in the context/hindsight of Sopranos characters making it genuinely hilarious. Martin's attempt at it was about as funny as Costner in Robin Hood.

I watched Roxanne a lot when I was a kid too, didn't love it but it was there, hate it now as well. And I gave The Jerk a shot after Jimmy raved enough about it. Not sure why I hated it. It felt really dinky. Something about combining swamps (or any of those shitty areas in the south) + comedy is just depressing for some reason. I hated those scenes from the Waterboy too, and thought the rest of the movie was fine.

Can't remember Leap of Faith all that well but I don't think I was impressed. Never saw LA Story, came close a bunch of times, I think I'll give that one a try. Looks like him at his best playing a real sarcastic fuck.

I thought Bowfinger was another one of those massively panned 2000s Murphy disasters, but surprised to look it up and see it with 81% RT. I don't know if I can do it though. The poster's making me mad just looking at it.

dirty rotten scoundrels still holds up well

Bowfinger is very clever and off-beat. RT ratings are bullshit, but I am telling you that you will enjoy it. Desperate wannabe filmmakers, a Scientology parody cult, a celebrity addicted to exposing himself to the Laker girls, illegal immigrants--it really has it all.

Go for Leap of Faith, if you can find it. It's really under the radar - he plays a fake Minister with a traveling show. He doesn't do his usual mugging and shit, he plays it straight, and it's an okay movie.

LA story is amusing, but kind of dated now. I was just listing movies that weren't horrible - the rest of them really don't hold up at all, and are just dreck - the Man Who Wore Plaid, etc. Shopgirl stank on ice when it was released, and hasn't gotten better. Sgt. Bilko is squatting on the legacy of Phil Silvers and taking a dump, like he did with Peter Sellers, and Jack Lemmon with The Out of Towners (anything with Goldie Hawn will fucking suck)

I forgot about dirty rotten scoundrels, which is okay. Everyone raves about the Three Amigos, I hated it. Everything else he's made is unfunny dreck.

Bowfinger, you either love it, or hate it.

The reason Planes, Trains is so good is A. John Hughes, and B the fat guy. Martin just plays himself, an uptight, judgemental, snobby white dude. Hughes was brilliant casting Martin in the role he's perfect for it.

Thinking about Parenthood...I take it back. The movie has an incredible cast, that's what makes the movie great, not Martin. His character is the least likeable and the most annoying.

Bowfinger is great. I will fight to death over it.

Yeah but Murphy makes that movie what it is.

Martin is good in his role. The opening with the tack-on ponytail and the car phone is great. He pulls it off perfectly.

Oh christ, Out of Towners, yeah that one was brutal. Scoundrels sounds good, I'll look into that and LA story, not expecting greatness. Then maybe Bowfinger.

Three Amigos is the type of shit that could prevent an entire potential friendship or a girlfriend if the person liked it. It's that nerdy SNL crowd, the ones with the really thick glasses who got pushed into lockers, but they found some SNL bit they thought was popular and decided it was great. They were wrong. The fucking assholes are on horses practically dancing in their saddles in unison. Fuck you, you fucking gay nerds. Same goes for Wayne's World. I hated so much of that happy goofy snl dog shit.

The Out Of Towners is a disgrace. The original, while so dated it's not even funny, is still a great movie - Jack Lemmon is one of my favorite actors, I liked him in everything he did. That some assholes in Hollywood though Steve Martin could do better? Not even better, as well as Jack Lemmon?

Don't get me started on The Pink Panther. Steve Martin is a fucking asshole for what he did to that. Sellers should come back from the dead and cockslap him down the Sunset Strip for what he did.

Bowfinger was an underrated comedy.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is a great movie!

three amigos?

Looney tunes: back in action


I have this on DVD.

Now I just need to find my DVD player, lulz

John Candy is dead

Sure is. Dead fat fuck.

"What is your problem? You insensitive asshole!"


I would trade 10 Amy Schumers for 1 John Candy

Luckily there's 10 already stuffed into one body

Ugh, don't stay stuffed! I'm so full from Thanksgiving I could burst!

Hah hah


Harry Hater is a fan

Remember when Opie quoted it

Cool. Let's bring it up every time someone wants to play a sound clip.

Let's not forget that song where everyone gets anally raped except Alice.

is it on netflix?

it was on comedy central all day today