I hope we get a repeat of Bobo reading Colin's tweets this year.

47  2016-11-24 by Dennyislife


Nigga must be a bit on the slow side.

If so, may God be with him, no BS.

Oh god, just imagine this thing standing behind you and just babbling while you're trying to enjoy a meal.

You can hear the chatter, nobody is even giving him the decency of silence while he tries to make a video lmao

Decency would be that silence being broken with a gunshot a la 'Of Mice and Men".

Whoever's filming this trying to hold back their laughter at what an ass Bobo is is my favorite person in the world

I have a cousin like this. He's not officially a mong but he's not far off. His mum had him when she was in her early 40s, so he's on the cusp of being a plank of wood. He drones on in detail at family get-togethers about the best films he's seen recently, without anyone asking. He goes as far as to quote lines and describe scenes of movies no one has seen or cares about. Dumb Bobo reading Colin's tweets would be far preferable.

Its nice of Ant to invite his trashy fans to dinner with their hero. I'm serious he's a great guy for letting Bobo hang around.

https://vid.me/QjXw He is an abusive douche who likes having half-retarded yes men around to make him feel smarter

Wow. That was fucked

In Ant's defense, I think he was going for more like a Michael & Fredo Corleone vibe. Unfortunately, on camera it looks like Ike & Tina Turner.

The hair completes the picture, I also didn't know ant is bffs with mancow

He's like Al Swearengen with Blair's cousin from the Facts of Life.

Ant is a generous guy - we give him a hard time for shits and giggles. It's thanksgiving so fuck it, Ant is a good egg.

were he a chicken, he'd fuck an egg.

Bobo reads better than Opie.

Is that Bobo's dad in the corner just living in regret?


whos the slit at the end of the video?

Healthy swig of coping wine at 0:35

the cyclones crowd reacted better to his 6 hopper first pitch