Sam and Ron come up with an idea to get Ant in studio, then laugh at him for not having his guns anymore.

31  2016-11-24 by suchanjv


I'd eat Gail's butt.


A lot to eat.

Gail is a fatso non talent

Considering that half of her DNA comes from this guy she is fucking beatiful

Ron looks like a lesbian mafia don

Look at those piercing eyes tou

Gail is a big bitch

She really is a hideous she-beast and her voice causes ear cancer. Good thing daddy got her a job or fatso would be starving on the streets. Know what? Maybe Ron should've let her starve a bit.


Nah. Its pretty easy. She's the size of a barn and looks like Ron to boot.

Its nice to hear for sure their trying to get Ant to come hopeful.

Why? Anthony sucks. He hasnt been funny in 3 years. He's a miserable piece of shit who beats up women and says he'd fuck 13 year olds

Yeah and you have an issue with that? Fag

3 years is generous.

cause i want a jim sam and ant show you fuck.

That would be awful.

Anthony should just die already.

Why are you listing his good traits, sir? List something bad.

And you didn't even make any of that up. Ant should have all his money taken and used to buy hot lunches for kids in public schools, and be forced to watch the kids eat his money away Ludovico style.


That would be a more direct shot than any that faggot Sam has thrown at his radio master Tits. And Ant would have fun with it, while Tits would storm out and Sam would still continue taking his little bitch boy jabs instead of throwing a real punch. Fucking phony.