Anywere a Fella could watch today's TACSgiving?

1  2016-11-24 by anarchronism

The link from cybertubes wasn't working for me and I'd like to know if there's anywhere else a bum like me might watch it. Thanks.


They have it on repeat in hell.

I sub for dixon, so I took a peek. Did not look interesting. ISIS Faggot right out of the gate, which has to be the least funny repeat character I've every fucking seen.

Oh you mean Sacha Baron Rippoff? I thought being a joke thief was a big no no in the comedy world. Some of it was funny, but the whole time I was thinking to myself what a complete hack move. It's exactly the same as Borat.


Even the guys on the TACS sub were complaining that it was a terrible episode with technical difficulties to boot... I'm guessing ya didn't miss anything worth working too hard to get.

Good to know.

Thanks to the tech savvy wizards @ compound media who continue to let me log in and watch months after I cancelled....

I watched it / listened to it last night in between customers (I Uber part time). The only tech issues was Mike Red Fag skyping in and not being able to join in because his audio would cut out when other people were talking (a common Skype issue). The less he opens his mouth, the better. However even he thought it was boring and split, so there might be hope for him yet.

yeah it's called go sucking a fucking peckah you fawwwwkwkkkkkk