Patrice gets tired of Opie's bitchassness 2:01:36

28  2016-11-23 by hickorysmoked1


My favourite is the time when Patrice was talking about Opie and Anthony's success/money and Opie got all defensive and said that the notoriety and money didn't change him at all. Anthony was completely on board with what Patrice was saying and Opie got really serious and pissy about it. He's almost impossibly sensitive.

Opie starts shaking in fear and Patrice realizes that he has to dial it down before Opie shits his pants.

Patrice always knew not to unleash on Opie.

It was obvious that Jim and Ant told him about Tits. He would always start to rip on him and then stop once Tits got sensitive. I listened to all of the Patrice shows this summer and there are plenty of examples of this.

Which is great because Opie realizes that everyone deep down hated him

I would have loved to see Patrice go weapons-free just once on Opie. I think Patrice had a lot to do with Opie getting worse and worse as the years went on. I don't think Opie liked the fact that Patrice could come in and control the room. He feared something in Patrice which is why we see him passively poke at him and try to undermine his energy. It made Opie feel so good knowing he could be a little cunt and Patrice wouldn't open fire on him.

Opie is truly a mentally ill little faggot his mind is made up of nothing but bowel shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse about how inadequate he is. Patrice will never be redeemed until Opie is exposed and cracked open on air. Aunt will never do this since he's pretty much groveling to Opie at this point. Jimmy is too much of a passive middle-of-the-road play it safe sweet boy. Patrice would have done it by now I think.

During the Patrice memorial show, Opie brought up that he was intimidated by Patrice for years and literally everybody in studio (even Ant) was dumbfounded and didn't understand where he was coming from.

He changed the subject pretty quickly.

Have you seen the video where Ant and Patrice destroyed Opie when he was told to pull he's pants up by their Boss? I only found it recently but they really make Opie look pathetic.

Another good one is during Dr. Z and Opie is being extremely hacky while Patrice is making exceptional radio. He gives Patrice a rubber vagina and Patrice gets very agitated.

He single-handedly ruined that interview. Even as Ant was, he knew to shut his mouth and let Patrice just unleash on Dr. Z. Opie couldn't handle not being the center of attention and kept yammering about getting a girl to do anal and seeing her tits. ... NOT because he thought it was interesting radio, but because he thought it was funny and made him look cool.

Fuck, he ruined this whole radio show for me.

Patrice was at his finest argument wise too. I'll never like TJ Miller for his participation in that as well.

He was jealous because Dr. Z used a dildo on Howard or something like that.

His nervous chuckle when Patrice went silent while arguing with Dr Z was telling. Opie was the one who got punked in school and took it out on the smaller kids, while Patrice Ant and Jim were the guys who hung out with the kids doing all of the punking.

I think you just nailed Opie- he was the guy in high school with no fucking friends. He was a victim of bullying.

"We're not gonna get to see boobies today."

I think we can all agree on a couple of things - Patrice (along with CQ) were the best things that ever happened to the show.

2nd, Opie is a cunt who never added anything. He didn't steer the ship. He sniffed. He made it all about himself. He is (was) awful radio. He should disappear forever.

He does do a good sniff though. Give credit where it's due.

He did some coke back in the day. Made him really space out, all trippie. You know... the typical Coke high


"Y-y-you're yelling!"

What a sopping vag Opie is. It's his nature at this point.

Patrice would hold back a lot of punches he could of made to tits. It's amazing that even he walked around greggshells.

Fucking Opie and his "moments". Nothing is organic with that buxom bitch.


High Pitch Ope always makes an appearance during these.

The fact that Opie gets to draw breath and live life and Patrice cannot, sickens me.