Sam doing Kelsey Cook's makeup show. Skip to 5:55 to see the fruit in his natural colors.

14  2016-11-22 by Ant_Sucks


This is Sam's final transformation.

Notice the burned CDR with old WWF wrestling.

Oh god... I have my mouse on the play button... but I don't think I can go through with this.. I don't want to see what's on the other end of that 6 minutes

I thought they banned testing make up on monkeys.

At what point does this unfunny broad realize that a future in show business just isn't in the cards for her?

As long as Jim Norton is paying her to hang out with him

She is too pretty to be a stand up comedian. Her cuteness gets in the way of her comedy.

Fuckin titties!!!!

She has a nice ample bosom.

When will Jimmy learn that they will never fuck him.

She looks good without makeup. That's probably why this video was made

Do they at least make out?

It looks like sam just crawled out of a block of ice


This is what he wears when he fucks his wife.

Why did I watch this?

I wanna fuck that dude.

Sam could pass if he just shaved his fucking head.

I prefer the episode where Jimmy and Kelsey did each other's makeup.

ugh flavorless wannablonde

Women are funny. Get over it.


He'd better tread lightly, Anthony might sending him Ipads.

What's the difference between this "professional comedian" and any other random girl on youtube?

I mean other than she's way too old to be groomed by Mr. Cumia.

Sam is a nightmarishly ugly person

Two compete wastes. Yay.