Any Lawyers on this sub?

0  2016-11-22 by unclepaul84

I know it's old news. But I always thought it was messed up when I saw that Jim Norton stole $60,000 from fans that wanted to see a Chip cartoon. If we can find a lawyer to sue Jim Norton for the fraudulent scheme. I'm not doing this for the investors because they are retards for thinking a Chip cartoon would be a good idea. I just want to piss Jim off. The idea of him just having to retain a lawyer is satisfying. He needs to suffer for being a greedy dishonest thief. Thoughts


Whatcha do fer a livin, character?

I lure neighborhood cats into my shed with treats, then remove their tails with rusty garden-shears and send them on their way. I really ought to take better care of my tools.

Thats fucked up man. You need some wd-40 on those shears or you are just making work for yourself.

Making money. What your pleasure young fella?

I take pictures of shit.


More importantly, any hot chicks?

I've been told I'm pretty cute ;) lol, I just turned 13. I have an Amazon wish-list


He used flexible funding which was clearly in the sites rules that whatever people donated they wouldnt get back. If anyone wold have to get a lawyer or have any kind of case against them, it'd be the website itself. I'd probably not bother wasting my time.

Fuck off Opie!