How many of you guys have actually contemplated getting into comedy or the biz in some way?

1  2016-11-22 by TheScarletR

Writing, doing standup, show production, etc.

No judgement here boys.


Not even once. Not even because I don't think I'd be entertaining, I think the industry has proven time and time again that you don't have to actually be funny/entertaining to make it.

Mostly it's because I've always felt a complete disconnect with what most people think is funny. Not everyone, just most people. Remember the hat removal service video years ago? The one with the the old lady being punched? I laugh my fucking ass off at that video. Jim Jeffries brought up the fact that when he tries to show it to his friends or people he knows, they look at him like he's some sort of psychopath. I think everyone in this sub can relate to that.

I also think there's a lot of neediness that comes with the territory of being an entertainer. If my career success depended on how well I can get people to like me, I'd be royally fucked. I'm generally an asshole and validate my own behavior by over tipping, offering to buy people drinks, and other meaningless pleasantries.

I relate to all of that. A better summation than I could have given.

I really wanted to when I was younger, but seeing how everyone is such a lefty cunt and you need to be an annoying kike to get ahead, I have basically abandoned that.

And unless 4chan starts a production company, I probably will be stuck as a wage slave unless I win the lottery

Alt right wingers are known for being funny ^(said no one ever)

You don't find this sub funny? It's literally the poster child of alt right

Let's not go crazy, alt right subs are cancerious unfunny shitholes. This sub shits on most things. Joe Cumia is seen as the plight of humanity here, Anthony is a racist old drunkard who we shit on. On right alt subs they would call them heroes of free speech. So no friendo, atleast not yet.

Name me a non-alt right sub that enjoys jokes about dead parents and jokes about aids and pedos and that hates women and loves trannies

Face it, with how horrible we treat the patron saints of anti-alt righters (patton oswalt, Amy schumer, lena dunham) this place is clearly an alt right sub.

Gavin eats shit here everyday and from what the looks of it is running some kind gay illuminati maaaindcontrolllll to have a bunch of guys call themselves proud boys, Patton Oswalt clearly murdered his wife and deserves no mercy, Amy Schumer is a fat hippocritical cunt who throws anyone who did anything for her under the the bus to stay in the supersized limelight. Lena Dunham should be trialed and convicted for her behavior. We hate everyone who is a hippocrite. That is it. Political affiliation be damned. Yes we have a wave of Trumpests on here but when that fat orange snakeoil salesman fucks America over they will shit on him aswell

The fact that you think it's ok to call a woman a cunt proves you are alt right

No it doesn't, not even a little.

Whoever coined the term alt-right needs to blow an elephant. Such a stupid term the media pushes to make a boogeyman.

Not really. Its a term to describe a particular form of political ideology which is distinct from traditional conservatism.

No, it's not. Fuck that shit. This sub is about what's funny. Anyone who aligns their sense of humor with politics is a goddamn idiot.

Tried. Didn't work.

Apparently the people who get most often hired as comedy writers are often the sons and daughters of comedy writers. Too often uninformed people think there's a giant Jewish conspiracy in Hollywood, when really it's just pure nepotism. Had hoped to land a broad with a powerful father and HHH my way into a life of luxury, but apparently being fat and unattractive makes that difficult.

A lot of Ivy leaguers too, especially at places like SNL (I guess you could call what they do comedy writing)

/u/ThePRRattlesnake inspired me today

to go out and steal dvds from bargain buy?

Comedy has a very low bar

Don't look at luis for comedy, look at his drive thats what makes his personality work, relentlessness.

I recently moved to New York and have been to a few open mics with a comedian buddy of mine. While I think I can come up with a good five minutes to start, I've just realized that I don't think I'd be THAT into it to where I want to keep improving. I love the lifestyle that the popular comics have but I just don't have that drive for it.

I love comedy but havent been to a club in years and I am a pretty big fan, so that is discouraging, plus I grew up around hippies and abandoned all talents for steady paycheck. Im mostly intrested as a hobby and because it's something fun, don't see anything coming from it, just wanna tell my jokes.

I used to write material for a comedian. He used to forget that they were my jokes and then do them to me.

Then I wrote something which he published under his name and didnt give me any credit/money/hugs so I cut him off. Now he languishes in mediocrity doing my bits from five years ago.

I'm trying to guess who it might be, and many come to mind.

He was pretty famous for a minute. Got on TV a bit after he won some young comedian awards. He still tours, but his act hasn't changed in ever and he isnt progressing at all. That makes me happy.

Go on...

Comedy is just based on networking. I imagine our personalities would see us blackballed in the entertainment industry pretty quickly.

Our kind of funny would guarantee shitty gigs that pay a dog food for dinner and crackwhore hotel budget if they paid anything at all.

I'll take my boring software job where I get the exact same amount of money on the exact same day as long as I show up over sporadic payments that get divided between 2-3 different people and having to deal with drunks and lowlifes

Very eloquently put

I'm very charismatic, but I'll probably just use that to either become President or to continue manipulating damaged sevens with daddy issues.


I am the funny guy amongst my friends but on a stage is different.

I know my limitations.

I'm barely funny here, just over the top mean.

I think you're funny sweetie.

I would but I'm not a hot unfunny chick, so how could I? Plus I can't get my finger out of my ass long enough to {insert punchline}

I should consider it. I'm unfunny but a few LGBTQ jokes could land me a job on leftist blog at least

Im doing shit, only because my lifes a parody enough of a normal life I should be doing every fun strange thing I can.

No. I'm incapable of finishing things I tr

Did this guy have a fawkin heart attack or sumtin'

I'm trying to guess who it might be, and many come to mind.

I think you're funny sweetie.