Let me explain this situation

5  2016-11-22 by GRIZx



This is a fucking message board. Get over yourself. Stop with the drama. Just make bullshit comments and move on like the rest of us.

That's exactly what I'm saying, I didn't want to bring the drama here, he did. I was forced to explain the situation because out of context it made me look like I was saying /u/ihaveaholeinmyass is not funny here... which isn't true, his twitter is what I think isn't funny.

Then just ignore him. It's the fucking internet!

Read my twitter you cuck!!!!!!

I was forced to explain the situation

No you weren't. You chose to.

We need to get back to doing what we do best: Making Brother Joe and Opie miserable.

I'm glad we got this cleared up. Now we can move on to being awful, horrible people that should invite an electric eel into their next bath.

That's a great idea. Maybe while I'm eel bathing I'll make some toast!

GRIZ you sound like a nice guy and I really like you. And you are absolutely right about the shitposting.

But dude fuck other comedians and their faggot opinions about anything and everything especially about this sub. Also ihaveahole can believe whatever he wants to believe, who cares?

I like the shitposting, just not when it's spammed



This getting fuckin juicy, y'all

Trump is going to make this sub great again!

Niggers ruined the subreddit.


It doesn't really matter if you felt you needed the air cleaned. All you're doing is adding yet another personal user-vs-user shitpost. The absolute worst kind of shitpost.

I'll take 100 #cuckamericacuckagain's over one #thisguysajerkhereswhathesaidaboutme.

Exactly why I removed the original guys post and exactly why I'm removing this one.

Fuck that! I have quality post here and if I learned on thing today it's my presence on this board matters...

This isn't happening here, take it to twitter.

Mod vs Mod ???????????????

You are the one being childish downvote and don't comment on the post and move on with your life dude


Says the guy who does nothing but post the word NIGGER and CUCK constantly like that's the punchline to every joke.

You got me dead to rights Nigger Cuck

A guy named TheCuckBot calling others childish. Just pointing it out. The name actually gives me laugh, though.

I agree. This has ruined my day.

I'm sure there's an appropriate soundboard machine button to push for this type of post.


I don't know what are you talking about but it sounds pretty fucking retarded.

Be more funny.

Why do I have a feeling that a shipment of 4k LED TVs for black friday are going to arrive late to Walmart today because of this...

Ass, butthurt, delusional, autistic? Your really gonna using these words to describe me? 😂

I wouldn't want any of you to bring petty twitter fights to this subreddit, it would be dumb and proves that this place is taking a nosedive. All I want is to bring this place back to being funny again.

In response to the last line your logging out would help.



I starting to feel sorry for you.. this is just sad



Stand with Griz. Bloodsport is not my favorite JCVD movie.