Does anyone know what Fez is doing now

4  2016-11-22 by clownshoes2

I tried searching reddit and found nothing. Does anyone know if A)Fez is even still alive and B) What is he up to?

I looked at the Ron and Fez sub and wow is that barren....


Fuck the twitter responders. Big Cat is livin large, breakin hearts and wreckin assholes all over south central Florida

Ron said he sits at home in Florida, listens to the radio, and yells at it when Chris Stanley makes a mistake on his live reads. Also, he has had at least one operation since he left.

What are you a narc? Who wants to know?

Just curious. With what's going on with Tits, Zits and the Worm, I was wondering what Fez would have to say about all this.

Most likely nothing

That's all I've got.

Grabs desk

I think he'd be thrilled for Jim and Sam. He was one of few guys who would openly bust Opie's balls, as part of their "bit". But I think Fez sincerely disliked Opie all along.

Fezzie really made out in the end. He retired in florida and to a man everyone he left behind has embarrassed themselves over and over and over.

He was always the winner, he got paid a lot of money for contributing nothing at all.

If fez did nothing then why did the show become unlistenable when he left?

What do you feel like he contributed? Especially in those last few years?

He challenged ron by existing, he ran behind the scenes way better than pepper, and a lot of his shit was way better than it got credit for but ron hated him at that point and wouldnt give him an ounce of slack.

Well existing isn't contributing, but he did give them something to talk about. Some of my favorite bits are his crazy bullshit, but they're at his expense and the work was other people talking about him and his unbelievable nonsense.

I don't know what the shit that didn't get credit is supposed to be, I couldn't think of one example which is why I asked.

Isn't that a big contribution in and of itself? Fez the Subway Stalker, Fez getting bullied by young gays on his way home, Steak burgers. These were some of my favorite bits, he was the gasoline that powered the ron engine. Without his lunacy we're stuck with his daughter and him talking about 70's music and how dumb Pepper is.

Theres a million and a half podcasts of two funny dudes talking, thats not what came to ron & fez for. I came to hear a hilarious and brilliant manipulator wind up an increasingly bizarre shut in.

A man's anus

His services were needed down in florida. He buys hungry bois sandwiches and then asks to sit with them while they eat them.

Still trying to get that god damned cat to say the word.



Writing a book called "This little blueberry had roast beef and everyone called him Fatty Pneumonia (Hey!)"

Blueberries have nothing, they are a standalone fruit.

From one of Bawby's shows in Florida a month ago

I think he's had like 4 more heart attacks since retiring.

Is Fez Alive Fridays?!

Hopefully weeping while getting pounded in the rectum, and contemplating a rope. I never cared that he was gay, I just hated that he was such a faggot about it.

Fez is convalescing. They said he had major open heart surgery. Sounds like he has no plan of "doing" anything that you would find on the internet ever again. Maybe he'll get a job at the local ice cream shoppe someday or selling mustache grooming products.


Ron told me Fez calls him about 8x a day, and has a bunch of health problems

What do you feel like he contributed? Especially in those last few years?