Erock is such a pussy.

80  2016-11-22 by coach_styles


Even his hand soap needs to be a fucking treat.

What a world class faggot

He just feels so dirty working on the Opie show he has to scrub every inch of his body raw like a rape victim.


Yea cus he's a big fat fawkin sack of elephant shit

*Square Miles

I hate E-rock more and more each day

Low hanging fruit. He was always very hatable.

He's just a soft boy who loves his treats

remember when we used to make fun of the wwe watcher too, i wish we can go back to it

He's the poster boy of gluttony. He's a fat slob who effortlessly goes through life avoiding all and any hardship.

Years of E-rocks adolescent whining slobbery has earned him a rad collection of candy scented hand creams.

Years of hard work and positive attitude got Sam the prime time morning slot as anchor.

I hate e rock. Such a cliche pampered beta rich kid who can't stand not getting his own way and indulged 24/7.

I hate the Rock as much as the next man but that's no reason to praise Sam

Homer's Brain: This is it, Homer. It's time to tell her the terrible secret from your past.

Homer: Marge, I ate those fancy soaps you bought for the bathroom.

Marge: Oh, my God!

Homer's Brain: No, the other secret!

Homer: Marge, I never graduated from High School.

Marge: Well, that still doesn't explain why you ate my soap. Wait, maybe it does.


If you really really like hand soap, get ONE bottle of molten brown hand wash, and ONE bottle of molten brown hand moisturiser and set them next to each other. Don't get a dozen bottles of this garish crap.

those look homosexual


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Fuck you.

molten brown hand wash fancy.

You dont think theirs a "vegetable medley" or "fresh crisp salad" scented soap on that counter?

I bet he eats them.

Expensive hobby. Especially if you add in how every time E-Rock washes himself all the extra he has to pay in undercarriage washes, tire shine, platinum suds-ing, etc.

So glad the forced e-rock army thing is over. Always hated his manchild shit.

God dammit, all of these assholes have the dumbest hobbies! Sam and his wrestling shit, Roland and his fancy overpriced shitty foods, Erock and Simpsons toys and now gay soaps, Norton and his tranny/creepy sex stuff. Tits' fishing is almost normal, except it's canceled out by his obsession over viral tweets and videos. Anthony has the tried-and-true hobby of collecting guns and beating women, but even that is cancelled out by tranny-fucking too. Not to mention his photography hobby, which ended his career. Christ, what a bunch of children.

Is this a bit? Jesus Christ

Why, this is enough antibacterial product to kill a large... Virus.

"Poolside Punch"? Who the fuck wants to walk around all day with their hands smelling like they just spilled Hawaiian Punch?

......Eric Nagel.

so fucking gay

Opie must be paying him well to have such an extensive collection of faggot shit.

I love that people like Eric show us what pieces of shit they are. It's not even up for debate.

Pussies don't even enjoy hand soap that much

To be fair each bottle is one coating per arm.

Look at all those soaps he has. What does Troy Quan think? Troy! Get in here!

I would have assumed he doesn't wash his hands at all

looks pretty fruity to me

i hate erock more every day.

Early 90's WB Network cartoons.

WWE Wrestling.

Doctor Who.


His wife likely has 2 boyfriends Erock is unaware of. And maybe 1 he is aware of.

Do Erock and Sam hate each other now?

Yep. More one than the other.


This fatso surrounds himself with chemicals and flavors and treats

Me: I don't really go for the Bath and Body Works soap. Just a taste, just a taste. Terry Clifford is all in with them.

♫ gay soaps in my tub ♫

Those soaps are terrible. Not even anti bacterial. Every time I've ever used them I left the bathroom with my hands smelling like strawberries and shit.

Just get some dial up in that bitch.

Anti-bacterial soaps are even more of a pussy move. And, they're now saying not to use them, because it leads to weak immune systems.

Fuck Dial. Men use Irish Spring.

Irish Spring smells like an Exxon bathroom.

Erock never had the makings of a varsity heterosexual.

It's great how absurdly OCD erock and Sam are. It makes me wonder what is going on with Travis, and it's really illuminating about O&A in general that only broken obsessive people can hang in there for more than a year or two.

The Soap-Bagel

This is gayer than Anthony

Is it safe?

I actually have some of that California Citrus handwash, it smells like lemons.

Baleen is the series of fringed plates hanging in right whales' mouths that are used to strain seawater for food. Until the early 1900's, right whales were heavily hunted primarily for their fatty blubber, which could be burned in oil lamps or made into soap.

I hate erock so much I hope he dies in his tub holding a salami stick in his fat fuck hand next to his homo soaps

He does have a lot of body to wash


The wrong producer died first.

That's one soap dispenser for every neck fold.

E-Rock Balmy nigguh!'

Erock is a good boy. Nothing wrong with fancy soaps.

I love that people like Eric show us what pieces of shit they are. It's not even up for debate.