"The thing that a lot of people don't understand is that the female Ghostbusters deserve a lot more credit for how hard they had to work due to the number of ghosts increasing in New York City after 9/11" - Nick Mullen

144  2016-11-22 by JMueller2012

This kid is gold


Hey that's funny. I'll check this kid out.

Edit: I checked out his Twitter. He's very funny. I'm a fan now.

Edit 2: Fuck this faggot. I'm so over him. He was never funny.

Edit 3: I like him again.

well, you are on the right sub

CumTown is the funniest podcast out there right now.

He's good but can you just follow him and not post about it? I don't want him to be ruined by this board and show.

remember when LOS was signed to TACS and became totally unlistenable

Could you link some of these listenable LOS episodes? I've listened to an episode here and there ever since they started and it's about as entertaining as sitting at a table with any random group of losers at your local pub.

I listened to it here and there, was never a huge fans, once they joined Cumia it is fucking unlistenable. I like Luis and Dave but big Jay is unbearable with all the sex stories bullshit

Big Jay's sex talk ruined the bonfire for me too. I've listened to talk radio for decades and nothing beats his sex life when it comes to cringe. Fucking grody

His ass eating story made me want to barf imagining what the girl looked like. Probably like a 20 year old version of what Di looks like now.

Lots of good TACS shows, but they do have trafficking problems. No one can get through a story/joke without being interrupted 20 times.

That sounds pretty entertaining to us Panera employees.

Start at about episode 100. Quit before they join compound media.

The quality of LOS slightly dipped when they signed with TACS because they started doing 2 episodes per week instead of 1. It is still the best podcast out there.

for me the best is cum town and bone zones

They were listenable before that?

to me its a yes, bonfire and JAM are unlistenable from day one tho


No one cares about nick mullen or cumtown. Quit trying to force it.

Look at you, Mr. Too-Cool-For-Skewl

If skewl = fanboy behavior then skewl is for douchey queers.

Count me in!

Everyone cares about the cumboys

This guy is average at best.

at least he isnt doing tranny hooker jokes for 2 decades or gossip about vince macman crotch chop

Macman are you fucking serious?

That's s what apples personal computers called before they dropped the man


I wish someone would open a window and drop an Apple II on your head.

what about the Jim IIs?

They're goingto be the next big thing in shock jock radio or altright trolling or whatever dipshit thing we're calling it now.

"We're gonna have a new Holocaust and we're gonna make Israel pay for it!"

Something something pete Davidsons dad Something.

Do you think he asked Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones if they have his dad in the containment unit?

I think you'll find it was Seth Dickfield who said that.


This is bullshit. I chechked the statistics and found out that the number of deaths in New York City in 2001 was 97,809. In 2011 the number was 95,761. As you can see, 9/11 is a drop in a bucket in a city as large as NYC, just a couple percent. You can not notice a difference with such small variation.






I feel like back in the day the brutally funny guys in high school became comedians. But now it's the douchebags who are never funny but tried to be that become comedian.

The brutally funny guys in high school became mechanics.

Comedy is dead. The only way to make it as a comedian now is to either pander to the ultra left and talk about how unfair life is if you're not a white man or pander to the faggy alt right and spend all of your stupid time trolling the ultra left. Nobody in comedy now has a funny bone in their body.

You're being a little too dramatic, sir.

You're supposed to respond with a link to a shitty podcast as proof that comedy is as great now as it has ever been.

Yup. Comedy now means having your views spoonfed back to you.


Lol, that is pretty funny.


You guys keep bringing this guy's "best material" here and it hasn't been convincing in the slightest.

Just listen to a podcast

No, he won't lower himself to enjoy something that us conformists would, maaaaaaaahn

Why don't one of you jerkoffs share a clip instead of posting mediocre quotes and assigning homework?

No, you're fat

I'm not sure which of you two I love more right now

http://shoutengine.com/CumTown/ep-27-adams-last-stand-26208 start at 24:00 and listen for about a minute.

It is african baby raping / women hating material so it isn't groundbreaking or anything but I enjoyed it.