Gavin vs Manic White Nationalist Animator Emily Youcis.

6  2016-11-22 by BeMineYouGoose


I'm sick of these fucking right wing whores. They're always 5s that wouldn't get any attention in regular society so they have to join these circles for anyone to care about them. You're not Fairuza Balk in American History x. She was actually hot.

She was not hot.

I'd let her drill me with a strapon untill I squirted all over her undercut,


I prefer Fairuza in Return to Oz - schurrreee.

But Emily has big tits, a baseball stadium vendor's outgoing and assertive voice and personality and is a crazily talented and imaginative animator.

She's the argument in favor of white genocide.


I like juicy big tits but I prefer them to be a warm chocolate brown.. I can't stand these milk skinned bitches.


They look a little deflated, my nigga.

Oh, shit...tbgad!

The car thief post-curb stomp was hotter than her


She's A Philadelphian treasure and I'd let her wear my face like a diaper. Her animations are fucking amazing. But I sorta hope she's trolling with this shit.

They're so good it's suspicious. The quality and detail is fucking mind blowing.

U got links?

Google Ascent of Alfred.


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It's shit.

It's certainly no 60grand Chip Chipperson Show, that's for sure.

But then again what is. What is.

I disagree.

I hope you get raped by a pack of harambes and you're forced to birth a racially impure Sam Roberts.

The racially impure part is redundant when referring to Sam Roberts.

But that could hurt me????


White people rule, black people stool

She's awesome.

She's a delight, and has nice fat natural breasts. Too bad she's gone completely insane for this white nationalist shit.

Too bad she's gone completely insane for this white nationalist shit.

that's like saying someone's gone insane for gravity. Why should people act like this isn't the truth?

Fuck off, Jew.

Not jew, my alt-right freindo

I use Jew like most people use fascist. It just means 'bad' to me. :)

I use it to mean Jew

We all know White means bad.

She's an inferior slav for sure.

I'm, I guess technically, a White Nationalist. I'm at least what most people would call one - though I don't like the term.

There's nothing crazy about it. Sure, it attracts some cranks and monomaniacs. As do all fringe movements. But at its core it's reasonable.

As an insecure and self conscious teen I was very close to becoming a white national. Then I realized that being a piece of shit scumfuck asshole isnt unique to any ethnic group. We're all half evolved primates that are only a few hundred years removed from stabbing each other with sharpened sticks.

hen I realized that being a piece of shit scumfuck asshole isnt unique to any ethnic group

not according to crime rates or academic scores or history in general

Your snappy and hilarious answer doesn't actually stand up to reasonable scrutiny.

what history? the 10 percent(at minimum) after we started writing shit down? Literally every culture on earth has had some minority that they think is inferior. If Europeans were superior they wouldn't have spent millennia fighting each other over patches of dirt like every other group of stupid primates called humanity.

Speaking of "writing shit down", sub-Saharan Africa didn't start doing that until the honky showed up.

why do i smell frustration and cocoa butter when i read your comments?

My Sicilian heritage?

You have to end the self loathing and hatred of your race. No other race or ethnic group on this planet suffers from this insidious pathology-only white people. I diagnose you as being a liberal faggot. Fortunately, it is treatable and curable!

I just think all white men should be castrated and all white women should have unprotected sex with at least one n person man. Is that so extreme?

"N person" is a contradiction.

Black people are lovely.

Just out of interest, what are the demographics of your suburb?

White. Though there is a wealthy Dominican couple down the street.


White people who grew up in black neibahoooods be like, "Dayum deez niggas be craayzee y'all! " Stay woke, white brothas.

Of course.

If only I had grown up like white trash. Then I could have blamed all of the worlds problems on that nigger who beat me up one time instead of realizing that being white doesn't automatically make me superior. I would never have realized that most white people have garbage DNA and only a few of them make an impact on history. And without that knowledge I could have vicariously taken credit for the accomplishments of other people I only share a tangential genetic link with, like a massive faggot.

I keep telling anyone who will listen. There's no difference between black & white people. I can't think of one.



Oooof. She's hot, but there's nothing that softens a cock more than a chick taking on opinions and humor she got from someone else and repeating it like it's her personality. The "goy" shit can be funny and is real to an extent, but you repeating it, repeating the echo thing, repeating the accent.... you didn't come up with that. You're copying it from someone else you don't even know. You were convinced of this shit. Enough of your opinions though, let's get down to brass tax and see those big fat white tits. If you're so into this white breeding thing, let me fuck your tits and creampie. Put your money where your mouth is.

Hot? Shes passibly fuckable if she would give it up without a date and doesnt have awful jelloy thighs and cellulite craters on her ass which i suspect she would. The jew hate brings her up to a 3.8 though.

I bet you fuck skinny boys

If you're going to be redpilled over the course a year into believing something that would make you a pariah in almost every Western country, and is even illegal in some wouldn't you wait a little longer to double check your sources?

Like if I was redpilled over the course of the next year into believing the "truth" that all women want you to walk up to them and stick your fingers up their nostrils, I'd probably think "A year ago I believed the opposite of this, maybe I'll hold off on telling people for a while..."

Could you explain what redpilled means to those of us who aren't huge internet faggot neckbeards. Thanks!

Gamergate and MGTOW fags use it as a term for when they realise woman are cunts that use you for security and money. Alt-right or white nationalists use it to mean when you realise Jews have been purposefully orchestrating a white genocide for the last century. It's from that scene in The Matrix when Neo has to choose to see the truth for what it is (red pill) or remain blissfully ignorant(blue pill)

Yeah, what this guy said but now it's generic for any kind of major paradigm shift, real or bullshit. I was using it in that way

Shes great. amazing tits. just looked up her animations and its weird as fuck but pretty based

Has she said herself shes a white nationalist or is this a joke on how CNN says everyone is white nationalist?

edit:: sounds like she would. thanx neo_marxism for giving us people like her

Listen to what she said in this clip. She says the 14 words.


Nigger jew

Basically the majority of people in the country agreed with her and more 40 years ago. It's not 'neo-marxism' or any dumb shit like that -- though it does exacerbate the white reaction - it's nature.

Watch Gavin get all rustled when she brings up the JQ. He knows his bread is buttered by his master (((Ezra Levant))) and (((Rebel Media))). Fucking hate that race mixing faggot that sticks butt plugs up his ass. That shit is so gay


No comment other than laughing at all you dorks debating whether or not she's fuckable.


You got that right.

why do i smell frustration and cocoa butter when i read your comments?

Speaking of "writing shit down", sub-Saharan Africa didn't start doing that until the honky showed up.