How did we miss this? Opie with a big shot at Jim last week

78  2016-11-22 by NortheastPhilly


It took me a second to get it, sitting here like a cunt thinking "oh this must be the setup, he timestamped it there for context, here it comes"

You fuck

Revolutionary, if you ask me

This guy just sowed massive distrust in future clip posts.

i had to come and find out what was going on from the comments... fuck, im retarded

I honestly still don't understand.

get a ticket to rich vos whenever you get a chance. he'll explain it to you

He'll be at Comedy Conn in Rhode Island Nov 25th and 26th.

that's what i did. i wouldn't say we're retarded, but we certainly aren't smart.

I've been hoodwinked!

In order for someone to miss it, someone would have had to listen to it in the first place.

If a fat-titted, dyslexic retard speaks into a microphone and no one hears it, does he even make a sound?


oh yeah?

You motherfucker.

Vic Henley pee's sitting down.

would you expect something different from a lesbian?

Vic Henley drives a Subaru

Dammit. Richrolled

A different approach, not bad.

Vuuury good sniff

I was expecting it lol

As soon as I saw Vos' dumb face in the preview I knew what it going to be, clicked it anyway

Son of a bitch

Lady Di and American Ferrera, girlfriends 4ever

I don't get it

He slyly made us listen to a vos plug dullard

Ahh man, you beat me to it


Well fucking played.

Unique Vosroll approach, but I can't forgive you for tricking me into listening to Opie

I thought Brother Weeze had throat cancer and would never talk again?

Almost no one listens to Opie's show, that's why.

No way Vos has a 141 IQ. I happen to have an IQ OF 141 and would never smoke crack. I would guess at least 99% of Mensa members concur that smoking crack is not a typical leisure activity of the intelligentsia.

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fuck. well done.

time stamp?



I think if Vos killed himself he'd be a more valuable provider for his wife and a better father to his daughter.

Go for it Vos, tell Bonnie to go make breakfast, then take a shower... You know the rest.


Maybe if he spent this much energy on his shitty act he wouldn't be putting out CD's in 2016.

I appreciate the effort, but who the fuck is listening to the entire Opie Raqio show? I quit listening after Ant left, you're either a masochist or retarded if you're still listening after Jimmy left too.

oh yeah?

If a fat-titted, dyslexic retard speaks into a microphone and no one hears it, does he even make a sound?

get a ticket to rich vos whenever you get a chance. he'll explain it to you

He'll be at Comedy Conn in Rhode Island Nov 25th and 26th.

would you expect something different from a lesbian?

Vic Henley drives a Subaru