I really dislike Trump but who's saying you can't criticize Trump, Ricky?

2  2016-11-21 by RBuddCumia


I'm sure there are some people, but very few. Unless he's responding to someone, Gervais is arguing against a straw man he created.

More than you'd think.

I've never seen assholes rally around an alpha asshole the way they have with Trump. Look at the comments on any news article, it is cultish.

Edit (to keep it fair and balanced): I've also never seen liberal morons bring out so much hatred for one asshole either. I can understand when they hate him, I can't understand when they love Hillary or Bernie or whoever the fuck else and try to rally behind them like they're some kinda giant robot come to fight the evil Trump Kaiju.

tss Donald Karesh, double personalities you peesah gawbidge

Does Ricky even know that it's illegal in England to use footage from parliament for satirical purposes? Get your own house in order matey. You have a major free speech problem.

We just didn't like that a rapey actor treated the VP and his family rudely and we like bashing self righteous cunts.


To be fair, the actor was actually very respectful. The actor can address Pence if he wants to --- it's his show --- and he didn't insult Pence at all.

It was the audience that acted very rude by booing Pence.
