Just a reminder that this existed

61  2016-11-21 by [deleted]



And when Opie confronted him, Anthony pretended to not know what it meant, despite the TACS logo being in the corner and it looking exactly like him: From the sagging breasts, to the hair and all the way to the dumb, dead eyes.

He said that the fans take too far sometimes. Yeah, the fans made the shirts and sold them on your website, without your okay.

By the way are they still selling these? I want one.

No they are in Haiti along with the iamwithher t shirts

So you need to get aids first and move there

I wanna know if any of you bastards actually bought one before they were pulled? I member that there was a delay in shipping then out but how great would it be if someone bumped into Opie wearing one,

Not that great, but worth a post here afterwards.


And the two fatties Bennington claim they have no relations

This really burned Opie; the fact that he was demanding an explanation for this during their "reunion" show was very telling.

I don't know who is the bigger piece of shit, Anthony for making the shirt or Opie to go crawling back to Anthony

They're both faggots.

they r both dumb as rocks and let personal feelings get in the way of a 20 year old brand.

The 'torpid' is redundant.

So is "the" in your sentence.

Like your parents.

My jokes are dryyyy


Dank graphs brah

Haha, I didn't realize it had breasts until today

It emotionally hurt Opie for years so it was a success in way.

Way too much hair not enough tit

The black background makes it very easy to take a picture with opie and photoshop...

If someone I knew very well went to the effort of creating a T-shirt to make fun of me based on a stupid throwaway line that a goofy hipster who I never met made about me, I'd either kick that person's ass or at least tell him what a piece of shit he is and never speak to him again.

Fucking look at that picture. Anthony may as well have just made a shirt that said "HAHA BITCH FAGGOT!!!!" with a picture of Opie being flayed. It's not cute and funny. It's Anthony trying really hard to hit below the belt and make Opie look like the most pathetic thing walking.

But Opie is such a bumbling autistic retard that he can't even figure out what this is supposed to be. Either he's lying because he's so desperate for attention that he is willing to get back with the guy who called him a bitch in front of everyone, or he's really just that much of a dunce that he can't comprehend how mean and shitty this is.

Saved and tweeted to Gregg

there are only 2 copies sold, 1 will find its way to radio hall of fame one day for sure.