Legion of Skanks on the show Tuesday. This pleases me.

110  2016-11-21 by AgbayanisHead


I like how Jim and Sam are referred to as "the show" and Opie is irrelevant.

It did not even occur to me I would need to clarify haha. Pure irrelevance

A small part of me thought TACS was "the show" 😔

You're not so smart now are ya... eeeeehhh

I really hope they shit on Opie tomorrow, nothing would make my dick harder.

At the very least there will be more subtle barbs than you can shake a stick at.

You probably should have just said if you goof on Opie

Don't tell me how to have fun

I want all of us to have fun

If you livestreamed your suicide that would be mega fun for all involved.

Shit, this nigga took it there!

ME: You wanna play? Alright let's go motherfucker !


I changed it, but I just wanted to include your comment so he thinks he's a big deal when he opens his inbox.

Luis should make a thread of ideas for "questions about Opie" that he could pick from... Just an idea. I have a lot to ask but I panic on the phone.

It would really help kick start this whole radio war thing that's for sure

Luis will. He's been wanting to get on that show for long time.

If Big Jay can refrain from steamrolling over everybody with his nonstop fuck stories like on The Bonfire, this could be decent.

The entire show is just going to be Big Jay and Jim Norton getting wood in their pants talking about all the times they almost fucked hot women while the rest of the cohosts sit around awkwardly.

Jay really is getting big for his britches... and at size 44 that's tough to do.. heyo

I told Jay on twitter so at the very least he wont have any excuse.

Hopefully Christine is in tow and her machine-gun laugh track accompanies his tales of carnal conquest.

Maybe for once he can keep the saliva in is mouth when bringing up black penises.

I cant tell who is more obsessed with black dick, big jay or joe rogan

/u/ThePRRattlesnake, provoke Jim & Sam into shitting on Opie & we'll all throw some pesos at your network.

I'm on the fence about subscribing, i miss those guys and want to check out hsr. Put on a good appearance and I'll sign, at the very least for a free month

It's well worth it, trust me. GASDigital has a lot of content, it's what TACN wishes it could have been.

I like tacs content.

I like turtles.

Charlie bit my finger

They should poach gavin. At that point they could probably sign cumia haha

/u/theprrattlesnake me too. I promise I'll to sub to gas if y'all shit on stupid opie. He's irrevalant and it would get you a lot of press and fans

C'mon guys. I don't know Opie well enough to shit on him. And the comics that shit on Opie and Ant just to get a handful of fans to like them fucking stink.

Just get Jim and Sam to be honest; ask them about Opie being so desperate for acknowledgement that he buried a very legitimate beef with Anthony. Or how he transferred all of his autistic, unreasonable anger from Anthony toward Jim and Sam.

They read here, they know we want them to be straight-forward, the way Anthony was on those "Greggshells" episodes. Just bring it up, they will have both seen this thread by tomorrow.

Yea but you have probably listened to him before which means you know he sucks and doesn't deserve where to be where he is so it would be a good bashing. Love you either way, sweetcheeks

admit it, you pity Opie and don't want to be mean to him because he's just an old irrelevant man.

I like how Jim and Sam can promote guests without concern that people will flood their twitter with cakestomp videos


I feel like Big Jay and Jim would pare well, so I hope this goes well so he comes back again soon with Soder

That show will happen, just a matter of time.

Hold on hold on hold on.....Everyone on here hated LOS when they were on Anthony's channel but now they are great.

Two thirds of them are great.

*raises hand*

I still hate them.

*raises paw*

*smiles mischievously*

Get raped quick by that big dick Dave smith

But what will happen when one of the skanks bombs? Will Jim acknowledge it? And will Jay bulldoze over everybody's jokes?

Dave, prepare yourself.

Jay will just tell a bullshit story about fucking; or ask for nudes like he always does. Fat, unfunny bore loser.

I think Jay is funny, but his stories are of the unfunny, long and boring kind. It won't be 10 minutes until he tells Jim how clean his asshole is.

I remember people used to say tihs was the heir to old school O&A. Tried listening and it sounded like overhearing high school dropout regulars at a shitty bar.

Opie was the only non Highschool dropout in O&A and nothing defines the O&A "hang" vibe better than drunk regulars talking shit at a bar.

I'm so glad that bombed. I'm still laughing at the faggots here who believed this.


Nevermind. I was thinking of the Bonfire. Which is essentially the same show. It's hard to keep all of this mediocre bullshit straight.

Can't wait for this show

Ill buy a co worker a GaS 1 year subscription if you shit on Opie and his show.

Freeeeee nelson Mandela! Freeeeeeee Nelson maaaaaaandela


Boooooo. Why don't they have my Florida radio crew on? They know we're better.

Hopefully Jay and Dave keep the Luis impressions to a bare minimum. It's been done to death.

These guys stink