Gregg "Opie" Hughes is a talentless, pathetic, mean-spirited, unlikable, friendless retard with big tits and no morning show.

119  2016-11-21 by BeMineYouGoose



ME: I'm exactly like my mother. And my kids will hate me too.

I wonder if his kids will follow in his footsteps and lie and say they grew up poor like he does?

ME: Our apartment only had 4.5 bathrooms.

And Bam's kids I am supporting will hate me.

At least they won't inherent the mental illness from Opie's genetics.

The 'no morning show' really hurts him

is your username a Scott Shannon quote?

No, it's from a deleted scene from the movie snatch

Errol "Your a dead man tony, il fuckin have you" Tony "you couldnt have me, not while you've still got a hole in your ass"

I can see Jimmy, Sammy Bran Muffins, and Tefftmyster seeing the title of this thread and getting a chuckle.


Leave it alone...

Opie argues like a woman and it's enraging.

This guy is really on to something.

I'm an avid participator here for 3 years or more now, and to me it almost seems like this sub hates Opie...

I believe this tirade might benefit from a dash of "cuck"

don't forget stupid

I said Opie.

In other words he's a decent woman.

thats the bit

Tell us how you really feel!

Tsss I clearly just did u fucking asshole

Go on....

and? how about some new info

I was going to write a sarcastic piece about how Opie has done so much for radio and that you guys are jerks but the thought of typing all that out was making me tired.

He fuckin raises my blood pressure at my piece of shit job while I'm trying to enjoy "replays". I'm 21 grew up on cape cod, but haven't heard O&A until I started listening on YouTube a year ago. Through Rogan and shit, yea he sucks too, I fuckin know. But even as a new guy, fuck you Opie. And fuck this sub, cause you guys ruined him for me. I knew he was the cancer of the show, but fuck you guys for ruining it for me forever. I can't listen without picking up on his dog shit about everything. Fuck he sucks

I'm Paul R Nelson and I approve of this message.

Leave It Alone





His is an apartment the police will dread entering after Opie pulls a Chris Benoit...

OK, but you forgot luckiest dumb ass on the planet.

TSSS Tell us how you really feel dvvvv dvvv

You're in a hypnotic trance induced by Anthony. It's hard for you to accept this but you're being influenced by Anthony. Wake up, sheeple!

But does he get you hard and make you want to whack your bag?

In other news: Democrats hate democracy.

So what? What are you? Anyone who uses Reddit is, almost without exception, a liberal faggot.

...Said the guy who is using reddit.

I'm only hear to spread the truth. I make the sacrifice for the greater good.


I dont know, if you click his name hes pretty much on the level of u/burrscoon and some other reddit greats. And some of his last posts are to r/i_eat_nigger_anus

they clearly know something we dont

Truth warriors are the lowest form of life.

Woah, you finally made another alt account to tell us that we're all "liberals" and "faggots" in almost every sentence.

If you are referring to redditorsarefags2 then no , that's not me. But he is certainly a huge influence and I follow in his legacy.

Anyone who uses Reddit is, almost without exception, a liberal faggot.

You're not wrong.

clutches safety pin