Comedy\Race Experts Assemble: Is this a rape joke, or just advice from one black guy to another?

12  2016-11-20 by Ant_Sucks


Maybe its cause Im a white guy but that actually disgusted me, a little bit

i think its because this "joke" was pure hack

Competition sucks.

Pro Rape tip.



im just so fucking tired of racial controversy. it's fucking exhausting and debilitating and cunty. why can't we all just be orange jews like Vos

Cool guy trying to be sophisticated by looking away from the camera in a profile picture. What a Samcro thing to do.

Niggers gonna nig.

They like drunk white girls, because they are easy to fuck, get it?

Even if they don't want to fuck, you can club them with the handle of your illegal firearm and fuck them anyways.


-- Gregg "Opie" Hughes

its rape advice from one coon to another


Hello Frisco!!!!

I'm conflicted.

Disgusted that SJWs are jumping on somebody over a joke, delighted that white people are scolding a black man (over word use, my nigga) - I thought black people were above reproach.

What do I do?

Don't know if the Irish count as "white people". Technically they are, but they were treated worse than the blacks. They were oppressed by the English long before Kunta Kinte was even born. In addition to being forced into indentured service the English pushed a famine on their country that killed a million of them and forced another million to escape to America, hence why Colin Quinn thinks he's Irish.

They're like the Amish, a minority nobody gives a fuck about because they have white skin and generally mind their own fucking business.

Right so... how is this a response to what I said? Did you vet all of the people who retweeted and find that they're all Irish?

I'm not really sure where you're going with this.

Yes, I checked. All drunks.

What the fuck are you talking about

white delusion is the best lmfao

Explain please

Ohh I get it. The only way any non fat, self-respecting white woman would fuck a black guy is if they are intoxicated... Clever.


I thought it was a little person with tiny arms from the thumbnail

People calling this a rape joke is the result of these years of "everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is wrong and you have to call it out"

Now dumbies on the right revert to those same tactics and will see something that's not really there.

The dude is literally implying there's more white girls and they'll be drunk/easier to score. As much as i'd like these fags to get a taste of their own medicine, it's really all just too tiring

The dude is literally implying there's more white girls and they'll be drunk/easier to score.

That is basically what liberals consider rape culture though. The right aren't attacking him for that reason. They didn't all become SJWs over night. They're doing it for the same reason people here did CakeStomp. To see Opie get a little of what he dished out, and it was funny.

hey i'm all for it, but i'm still gonna call a spade a spade ahwlright



He tweeted something about Hamilton that got a fuck load of retweets, so I guess some people dug out an old tweet and started sharing it

Yes, I checked. All drunks.