Hi dears, i'm feeling cheeky

12  2016-11-20 by [deleted]


This man is not straight

No shit


None of you beta males would have the balls to say the shit you're saying to Joe's face. You'd rather sit in your mother's basement and let big pharma poison you slowly. Fuckin sheep

How can I tell it to his face when he's 4'9?

do a squat you fat fuck.

Dead lifts bro

Ok there, easy big boy , lets not get carried away now


Run hills and eat cum.

I live in an attic you presumptuous cock sucker

what do you for a living character?

Edit - and can we get an answer on what does Tony hinchcliffes cock taste like?

Love the first comment asking him a serious life question about his relationship with his wife.

I've wondered when he ever sees his wife and kids.

He's a mans man. His wife takes care of the house and kids while he's out earning.

He's a man in a man.

He's a man with men in him.

He's a boy within a man

Ant = A man with a boy in him.

That is right after he slurped a load off a muscle bound man.

Roided up fuck, I cannot wait until his organs fail mid fight during a UFC Pay Per View.

He's so brave

This bit of his is seeming more and more realistic as time goes on.


Three more instagram selfies before he is coming out.

"Yoohooo!!" in a high pitch tone is what this picture screams to me.

He's clearly making fun of Opie's stupid pictures

Fuck j rogan on the real


I still enjoy the photoshops of his height. Makes me laugh everytime

All the recent Rogan hate reminded me of how much I like him. Here's the last podcast he had Stanhope on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL9IXNw-lSE It's long but it's fucking hilarious.