sjws love to censor, notice the deleted comments responses... some tried to say bill isnt racist because of marrying nia. AND MORE!

4  2016-11-19 by [deleted]


Ughhh, this culture is becoming so humorless and up its own ass. Thanks for sharing.

When the fuck did redpill turn into some kkk meetup?

since kkk is bad, so redpill is equal, so altright is equal, so anything you don't like is equal. I don't know it's fucking retarded.

As a side note, did anyone else find it retarded that the KKK's backing of a president went into play so much this election? Like as if it makes a difference at all, like if WBC backed Clinton it would also be damaging or something?

Are we supposed to believe that the KKK will only endorse a president if they think he's in favor of lynching darkies every weekend? Like if there's two moderate choices for an election they may say fuck it and go in support of the third party candidate? They're just a boogey-man figure to dumbasses, and i'm pretty sure the kkk aren't even bad guys anymore, they just go on marches and get assaulted by black people. It's hilarious

No I ment why did a pro male organization turn into a exclusive pro white male organization, thereby the mention of kkk. I remember them not being like this.

oh yeah, i only visit that place every now and then to see if there's any interesting posts from the past month and i noticed that too.

pretty sure they just have empathy for groups being fucked, and there kinda is a hatred of "white" now more than ever, so even non-whites of that sub are wise enough to agree that there's weird bullshit double standards going around politically.

I don't think it's exclusive i just think it's for the time being, which i guess could just last forever with the ways things are looking. If asians started getting shit on for being smarter than everyone and never doing crime you'd probably see the same type of response from them

The only people who hate white males are other white males and white females. Like non white males live a life without shit taking? And what you vouching for all white males? Give me a break

i'm just vouching for people who think like me

and yeah obviously the majority of haters are koolaid drinking whites, i dont understand what youre even questioning here

Not questioning, but males eat shit in this world, globally. No reason to make redpill into some exclusive male white club thinking mud people like me gets a pass from the evils of women and faggot white people sjw's defending the worst of my kind and automatically assuming I accept their help like I was a street shitting india during the days of the british empire.

well then it's just unfortunate for you because being on reddit and not being white makes you an even smaller minority than in real life.

Something like that was bound happen to that sub, just how it was almost inevitable that people here would like Trump over Hillary. Birds of a feather or sumthin

hell I like Trump over Hillary, they are both shit but only one is responsible for the Iraq war which caused the middle east to further become shit

Don't bother yourself with this garbage. So much white knighting and general faggotry.

Sjws, maaaahn!

How ya feelin?

This sub has passed you by commie