Defend this shit, Ricky fans.

9  2016-11-19 by Ant_Sucks


If you find someone generally funny, you don't have to agree with their opinion or statements on everything in life.

No, but you can also be honest and say "This is some godawful shit" when they make some godawful shit.

Yep. You can.

If you find someone generally funny, and then they throw all that shit out the window in order to get political and shit on half a country - you are allowed to call them unfunny CUCKS!

Just stick to being funny - god dam his singing is fucking awful.

Just let Ricky have his fun. It won't be long before a ban on singing/dancing is enforced by the London Sharia Police

He's made a great tv show and a consistently great podcast. Other shit doesn't change that

It's funny because those towns in England have funny sounding names... That's some brilliant comedy right there. That's next level stuff. Ipswitch. Get's me every time.

...that's not Ricky Gervais.

If you dislike Ricky, you dislike cute animals.