KIA in the war against the white penis

5  2016-11-19 by [deleted]


Even his cheeks do that (((jew thing)))

If he were in pre-war Germany when the Nazis were forcing Jews to wear gold stars for easy identification, the Nazi leadership would take one look at his mug and say "This one doesn't need the star."

His face would adorn the star

He's like a living caricature of a slimey Jew

Really? Ari Schaffir is pretty goddamn jewy looking. So much so in fact he could be the poster child for the protocols of zion.


Ostrich headed motherfucker.

I was thinking that he should be careful of the evil plotting of Wile E.Coyote. Comme ci, comme ça.


Carlos danger took out hillary

He's less white than Anthony.

Tsss.....KIA what iz he, a Sorrento or sumtin?

Rondo? Whaddya a female mma fighta ah summin?

Those shit teeth



Nigga look like a bird.

He looks like Earth 716 Anthony where he went to college and groomed himself a little better.

Anthony Weiner has a big, fat cock!



If this TURD can get pussy on the Internet. I say there's hope for all of mankind. Unlimited Pussy.Women are stupid .