Jim being a smartass, Nick DiPaolo doesn't get it (Tough Crowd)

5  2016-11-19 by TheScarletR


Nick gets it, he just doesn't like that it's getting laughs.

Someone was looking for this the other day and I just came across it, good episode with Jim, Louis, Nick, and Attell


fuck I'm so happy

Oh dude thank you!

god damn we need a show like this

Compound Media could have been the venue, but they went full retard.


Nick always struck me as humorless.

Dumb Guido that recites your uncle's conservative observations and insults as comedy. He's a humorless waste of meat and I'm glad he'll never make it.

Nick: Keep blaming liberal Hollywood you talentless hack

Jimmy was fat

I miss this show, and I miss funny fat Jimmy, this modern version stinks!

I'm so sad I didn't watch this at the time.

Watched this the other day when someone posted it than a few more. Miss tough crowd :(