Sam, Dassey, and WM3 -- I'm fucking tired of it

0  2016-11-19 by jcs1644


The West Memphis Three submitted Alford Pleas. An Alford Plea states that they admit that the state has evidence to convict them. Their convictions weren't overturned. The state admitted it made mistakes in prosecution. It makes me ill to see people treat them like celebrities.

Dassey for some reason lost 40 lbs. between the arrest of his cousin and his questioning. At the very least he is fucking complicit in her death. He told his cousin he knows how she died.

I'm so fucking tired of SJWs giving these savages hope.


Dasseybesso, just kill and fuckin...

Yeah but they had to take that plea in order to be released who wouldn't?

The system was at risk of having to compensate them for their well as the fall out of judges and state prosecution being found guilty and reopening all their previous.

There's no was that would happen when it's much easier and cheaper just to kill them in prison and call it suicide.

All that stuff about him being interrogated incorrectly and having a coerced confession is questionable too. I recall reading that his lawyer not only knew but approved for him to be interrogated without him. His family knew he was being interrogated and that he could stop at any time. He had a cell phone on him and knew he could contact his family/lawyer or stop at anytime. The "learning disability" angle is overplayed too.

Jessie Misskelley made numerous confessions, before and after the trial. There's a lot of sketchy people in that town, but it wouldn't surprise me if Damien did do it

Losing weight means you are guilty? Jimmy has dozens of deaths he's got away with then

Jimmy is responsible for billions of dead T-cells by my count.

Now that you mention it, Patton is looking a little slimmer

Bobby Kelly would be a serial killer then.

So WM3 and a half retard teenager are 'savages' ?

Sorry please stop, these cases have nothing to do with goddam 'SJWs' mate. It's all bullshit arrests and most hardcore right wingers know this