come be shitheads with us in the O&A chatroom

9  2016-11-19 by GRIZx


If I wanted my prick pulled I'd do it myself

Does anyone know what movie that line is from?


I'm drunk and just read a mean email from ex gf.

You have my attention lol


I'm there as "cbanks420lol2". I forgot the password for "cbanks420lolpreteens".

Im masturbating

Would I have to get my dick out again?

God damn it, why is it so complicated to figure shit out on a phone

The website is horrible, even on desktop

Edit - oh come on! really gonna downvote me? The website is fuckin awful, the content is great and appreciate it, but the website stinks

That chat is fucking awful. There are two guys currently in there trying to figure out if one of them can sue his old high school for putting him on medication.

The people of the O&A subreddit really are one step above single celled organisms.

Ha! Sup spin

The people of the O&A subreddit really are one step above single celled organisms.

  • guy on the O&A subreddit

Have fun sweeties.


No thank you.

That's okay... you're a nobody, we don't care sweetpea


boring ass room, no OA references, and some randoms