
0  2016-11-18 by A_Friendly_Creeper



13/f/A Roslyn basement

You're free to leave, grandma.

Age is more of a spiritual concept than something that can be defined with a stupid number/Gender is more of a spiritual concept than something that can be defined with a stupid binary/Location is more of a spiritual concept than something that can be defined with a stupid city

I am all ages, all genders, and all places at once, yet I am no age, no gender, and nowhere at the very same time.

pretty meta maaahhhnnnn

I'm not saying I'm better than most people, but I do believe that 500 years from now people will look back on my life and go "OkaySeriouslyBro understood everything before anyone else did".

How is this meta?

Thats what pedos say

57/genderqueer/Long Island Aquarium


what a goofball

69/Genderfluid/State of incredulity (at this election amirite guys?!)


42/?/Key West

57 years young/2 year olds/never land ranch yaayy!!

29/gender fluid/PA



This is the question every creepy pedo would ask in the AOL chatroom days back in the 90's. And the one question Anthony never asks.

17/F/Roslyn Heights


don't worry. ur daddy is getting his butt played with everyday.


Wanna get together for rough tug jobs?

ohhhh billy!


69/tssss/mothers basement

Only as old as ya feel!/FAWKYEAH/~spaceship earth~


54/yes/Aladdin's castle arcade

Holy fuck those things were part of a chain?

There was one in my hometown mall and yes, it was Sa-weeeet!!!!

Maybe we're from the same hometown. Aw shit.

I highly doubt it because I thought aladdins castle was a San Jose original until I looked it up online and there was a shit ton of them in the 80's and 90's.

Yeah, you're right.



Is it still very cold there?

It's freezing now. Yesterday, it was 70.

29/M/Lumberton, NC

We both live in dangerous cities!

You two might want to buddy up together when you go to sleep then. You know, just to keep each other safe.

Good idea. Very pragmatic. Also, we would be warmer.

It really is hard to decide which shithole is the shittest.


35/M/New Orleans
