Join Olbermann's Resistance!

0  2016-11-18 by Anarchorenegade


No human has ever come close to being as insufferable as Olbermann

Can't trump just have these people rounded up and shot?

They can have their open resistance outside the closed border... Amirite gang?

irony of this is i think he lives in a trump building.

Nah, he moved out a few months ago. The courage of this person is so very inspiring.

I heard he isn't a nice guy. A friend of mine worked at MSNBC years ago he said that underlings were instructed not to talk to him even say good morning.

No time for small talk. He's busy saving the world, mannnnnnnnnnnn

Isn't pjmedia that fag Crowder's site?

All politics aside, THIS is why Trump won.

And THIS is why he will get a SECOND TERM.

Keep it up, LibTards...

Is he in his kitchen again.Son of a Bitch...I told you kids to keep an eye on grandpa. Come on pops,we need the table for lunch and take these pills.