Forgive my ignorance but why the fuck are Jews considered a race?

0  2016-11-18 by BamsLynsiStuffer



You'd all be dead if it wasn't for this man

"Welcome to the 9/11 memorial. I will be your tour guide. Today, I will show you what my people are capable of doing."



It is their seperatist nature, that has alienated everyone since the days of the Babylonians and Assyrians.

All through history you hear of mass deportations, pogroms, holocausts, etc.

What do they keep doing to nations that they have been getting this treatment for 5000 years?

If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.

I have to admit I am not massively educated on their religion but I think objectively the idea that you are part of a "chosen people" is Opie-level arrogant and cuntish.

I still don't know why it's a "race" though. Race doesn't mean "follower of religion" in any definition I understand.

Technically they are of the Semitic race, which is the same race as Arabs.

Those two fucking love each other!

There is a funny Irony there. Religion has them by the balls.

those two fucking love each other

No they hate each other

Eh, the "alt-right" views (((Jews))) the same way the fucking left views cis white men. All of them are evil, all of them are part of a grand conspiracy, don't trust a single one of them cause snake blood courses through their veins. There are good Jews and there are bad Jews. There are powerful Jewish families that own major companies, there are Jewish deli owners and schmucks stuck in dead-end office jobs.

Jews are just straight white men with above average noses

the alt right loves jews and israel tho

Jews are jews, asains do the same community economic echo chamber stuff the more effective you are the more annoying, and the more satirical memes the alt right will make about it, its not inert racism but when the media paints the internet frog your losing a meme war to as a nazi it effectivly muddys the water.

Eh, the "alt-right" views (((Jews))) the same way the fucking left views cis white men.

No they don't.

For a very long period of time, Jews were insular and (essentially) kept to themselves. You'll often hear mention of the "Seven tribes of Israel." They were the founding fathers of Judaism in the region. For them, the entire world was either Jewish or non-Jewish.

Based on their insular, members-only society, they classified themselves as Jews. So, while we may identify as Italian, Irish, German, English, etc., they readily identify as Jewish. It's only after they are pressed for an answer that they will share their ethnicity or nation of origin.

Because of this mentality, Jewish people had a very difficult time assimilating into other, multi-cultural societies. The Jews openly revolted against the Romans - even when the Romans were being more than generous in their administration of the territory. Jews also had a difficult time living in Europe during the Medieval and Renaissance Periods. They did not want to conform to what society expected of all people. It was their contention that religion trumped any temporal rule - so they had major conflicts with many governments.

The only reason Jewish people were propelled to prominence in Europe was due to the backing of the Catholic Church and many Catholic/Christian businessmen. Jewish people were viewed as way to sidestep usury laws/sins. At this point, regular Jews began to diverge from ultra-religious Jews.

What evolved were two distinct people: the regular Jewish people that we encounter every day (loose religious affiliation, celebrates Hanukkah with a Christmas tree) and the Hasidic/Orthodox ultre-religious that we encounter less often (unless you live in Brooklyn).

So, why are they a race? Because they valued their religion over their nationality throughout history. As a result, there is a huge disconnect between Jewish people and the other people of the nation in which they live.

Needs more Vos plugs.

Cheers for the actual response, that's very informative and interesting if true.

Peckahs be with you.

Circumcised ones.

You're a retard. I'm consistently horrified by how little people actually understand about history.

Judaism is a religion which was practiced by the ancient Hebrews. Like the ancient Egyptians or Greeks. It survives to the present day, still practiced by the descendants of those people.

It is also possible (and common) for a person of Jewish ethnic descent to be irreligious, or secular.

In this way, "Jew" could refer to either a religious tradition, or a person's ethnic background independent of any religion at all.

Christianity was (partially anyway) propelled by the notion that the Jewish messianic prophecy applied to Jew and gentile alike, removing the ethnic connotations and making it possible for Abrahamic religion to spread across many peoples, creating the modern theological landscape.

Before anybody says anything I'm not Jewish. Just someone with a passing comprehension of the most BASIC history of human culture.

Sorry buddy your Jew phone crapped out

He must be using a Samsung Galaxy S Shvitz.

Samsung Goyam (cause its the lesser phone)

He should buy the new Oy-Phone.

"This goy's a riot."

I bet you're fun at parties.

It's a religion, like many in the region, that is concerned with endogamy. There's a crossover. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Also, it's quite easy to identify the Jewish ethnic group with modern genetic testing and even disparate groups like Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, Sephardi - even the Ethiopian Jews! - can be traced back to common ancestors.

Race isn't the right word because that means a sub-species but they're definitely - despite some admixture - a distinct genetic people.

It was just a religion, but through their parasitic infection of pure races, they have evolved into a race themselves. That's science right there.

I don't know what the fuck Vos is. He looks mongolian, covered in tattoos drives a mini mercedes and married to a goy. They're hard to categorize.

It's both dummy. If it were just a religion you wouldn't be able to identify physical characteristics.

Dummy? There's no need for the foul language.

So just so I have it right, if someone is born Jewish but renounces the faith, they're no longer a religious Jew but they're still an ethnic Jew?

What if they were from parents who converted?

Surely then they're neither race or religion.

Jew is a white arab

If you convert to Judaism (perhaps for the jokes) and then renounce, you're no longer a Jew. But if you are born culturally a Jew, even if you denounce the religion you are still a Jew. Most Jews are Jews in the community sense and do not observe the religious aspects "religiously".

They tend to smell bad

I love Jewish women. They have the best, thickest hair. I like their schnozz's because they look New Yorky, and I like anything that's evocative of east coast girls. They're neurotic and weird like me, and usually smarter than other broads. Plus they have those heaving, beautiful, jew tits. Fuck yeah.

Thanks for sharing. Shalom, God speed and uhhhhhhh peckahs.

Im just raising a flag for the other Jew-lovers out there. This is a safe space.

"Fuckin jews stick togedder, don't they?"

Millenia of inbreeding.

Bloodline preserved through the mother. Look into Khazar conspiracy and Christian Identity movement fam

But don't they accept converts?

I mean, when I think Jewish I imagine of really different looking people like Seth Rogen, Seinfeld & David Schwimmer for example, how can that be a race?

Here in the UK Jews are obvious as the blokes often dress in black and wear those funny little hats that sit on the male pattern baldness spot on the crown. I could pick one of those out in a crowd the same as I could a black person or an Indian person for example, but Jewish people like those famous people listed above, how can you tell?

It just doesn't seem like a race to me.

Nah some Jews are like Simon Amstell types. We just don't have a huge cultural Jewish movement but they are here and most just blend in. Only pockets of those weird hat and hair ones

Do you consider it as a race thing or religious? I forgot about Simon Amstel.

That lad from the Inbetweeners too who's in that Friday Night Dinner sitcom.

Race. If Gypsies are a race Jews absolutely are. There are multiple types of religious groups that are insular to an ethnicity.

If you consider Jews as only a religion, remember this: Many Jews consider themselves "atheist Jews" or "secular Jews." Would that make sense regarding any other religion? A Catholic atheist? No, they are certainly a distinct ethnicity and genetic evidence confirms this.

Because it's also a race of people, you fucking dunderhead.

Ahhhh to be 14 years old and angry again.

14?? Lol, what a cutting and original insult!

This unfunny shitpost gave me a fucking ulcer, take this shit to Yahoo Answers you faggot or ask your 8th grade teacher


You fucks are really trying to ruin the joke aren't you?


I said the same thing when they were running it into the ground a couple weeks after he first said it. They'll realize what unfunny fucks they are being and stop it eventually.

It makes them feel bad when theyre called out, lets keep it up



You'd all be dead if it wasn't for this man
