Is it safe to take my head off the swivel yet?

67  2016-11-18 by StuntPeckah

One can never be sure.


Depends. Are you a lamb chop?

Depends. Is it a good morning?

Ok answer me this. Which of the following activities would you prefer to do this weekend?

A) Go to the aquarium and (poorly) film a passive-aggressive monologue so banal and pointless it would make Bobo sound insightful;


B) suck a big fuckin peckah or sumthin?

Aw man... can I do both?

Lamb chop confirmed

well, a real power-player like the opster is able to do both.

What's an old ladies pussy taste like? Depends.

What part of keep your head on a swivel don't you understand, lamb chop??

Only if you use a machete to do the removal.

Swivel a full 360 please

Do you know what she did.. your cunting daughter?

That message was for someone else maaaaan


Sure, but you'll only have yourself to blame when you're done dirty!

Sounds like you are looking for a shortcut.

That's the problem with you, Sammy, you don't ask because you're too used to gettin'

Opie is a bitch

Only if you are taking a walk along the beach at the outer banks. You might step in shit.

You can never relax when the DESTROYER is out on the prowl.

When your career is the equivalent of a bloated whale carcass rotting on the beach, you're probably safe from any sharks.

Depends, is Sherrod or Vic in?

What's that? I couldn't hear you over Vic's forced, loud laughter.

Why, is sherrod not coming in today?

No. No. Not after what I heard recently. No. I'll never take my head off a swivel.

Leave it alone.

Sure. His will be on the Sirius chopping block soon enough.

Not in this business

ME: NO!!!

Opie's on the radio.
Radio in your car.
You're in your car.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish Ladies...

only if you're looking for one of these

Do you know what she did.. your cunting daughter?