Jay Mohr Hosts blizzcon. Full with dice impressions and game related banter. And I thought Jimmys avn shit was bad. He needed D a moneyy

0  2016-11-18 by stinksskc


Yeah those gamers in their mid twenties know and appreciate Dice

Most of this video was people walking across the stage in costumes and other peoples videos and performances.

Bet that gig payed well though.

this year they had that main faggot from the HBO show silicon valley

The brown one who is a complete queer who makes up the oppression he faces, or that funny TJ fellow?

The one that stutters

Lets be fair here, this one is on Blizzard. Their fault for hiring someone who doesnt give a flying fuck about vidya.

We liked this guy?Why?

What's up with the hair? Hair today, gone tomorrow.


He does it every year. Member when this happened? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zkE2BTjYFGQ

I hope the event staff kept on walking backstage, through the fire doors, out into the alley and dropped that waste of jism right into the most convienent dumpster.